Tricks and Talents (Connor × Reader)

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As a human, you weren’t sure what to expect when you were told your station’s next investigation would be co-handled by an android. A prototype, sent by CyberLife itself, in fact. You’d heard the stories of androids taking jobs, replacing humans roles and the likes. So as someone who’d never really interacted with them, you should probably have felt some unease, and even shown some hostility.

As a police officer doing a job, and a person of decent morals, you got the fuck over it.

You could see how your co-workers moved their gaze his way. Repeatedly throughout the few 15 minutes since he’d arrived, and sat down at the free desk across from Hank.

That was going to be an ordeal of its own. You liked Hank, you liked getting pizza with him on stake-outs and listening to heavy metal in his car while you waited for orders. But if there was one thing you knew about Hank, and pretty much every other asshole in this place, you knew with every they hated androids. Despised them, even.

Without looking around you knew they were whispering, jeering, maybe even planning elaborate hazings or malicious pranks to pull in their minds. You knew, but you could hardly notice, what with you being so busy staring at your new co-worker yourself.

Unlike the others stealing glances, you did not break your line of sight. Eyes seemingly locked onto this new figure. More specifically, the coin he flipped in his hands.

He’d been doing it for a good few minutes now, flicking it between his thumbs and forefingers, flipping it in the air and catching it deftly each time. He never missed a beat, and you could tell it was starting to get on the nerves of the others. Still, there was just something… enchanting, about his movements.

About him.

“Am I distracting you?” A friendly voice - if kind of warbly and strange- pulled you from your thoughts, and back to the real world. With a start, you found your eyes locking with another pair. You’d been caught staring. By the subject of your fascination, no less.

“Oh, no! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.” You lifted your hands up and offered an apologetic smile, utterly mortified that you of all people had been the one he’d caught out.

Watching his expressions, his body language, he seemed to take no offence. But, like most androids, you reminded yourself, that wasn’t in his programming. As far as you know, at least. Leaning forward in your chair, you listened as he spoke.

“It’s quite alright. As an android, I understand my presence in your work must be unnerving to you.” Oh. You supposed that was probably the easiest thing to assume. Hell, looking at you from the outside, you would have likely thought the same. The last thing you wanted was to start off on the wrong foot.

“Oh, no it’s not that,” You shook your head, before gesturing to the coin. “I was just wondering why you were playing with that.” Your question, shockingly, seemed to catch him off guard, pausing for a second you practically saw the processors whirring away in his head as he thought up an answer.

“Playing? My… tricks? With the coin?”
He asked, and you gave him a nod, leaning against your desk on your elbows.

“Yeah, it’s really cool. I- Hold on.” You paused for a second and looked around. The space between you two was large enough for a car to pass by, and you had no intention of returning to your work or ending this conversation here. Growing tired of talking from across the room you rolled your wheely chair over, pushing yourself from your desk for propulsion. You didn’t have to look around to know the eyes of the room were following you. Coming to fast a stop next to his desk, you flashed what you hoped was a bright and friendly smile.

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