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I don't know how long we traveled I kept slipping in and out of consciousness by the time I finally woke up I could tell we weren't moving any more my whole body ached Everytime I try to move,I was lying on my side on a cold concrete floor facing a really ugly gray wall,I tried to roll over but my whole body protested in pain I gritted my teeth and did it anyway I was disoriented and close to panic,why the hell am I in a cage there was steel bar at my back just like that of a jail, where am I,how did I get here, I tried to stand up but I was too weak so I dragged myself over to the bars and peered outside a cell identical to mine was right opposite mine but I couldn't see who's inside from my position on the floor
' Hello ! Is anybody there! I managed to call out before I was overtaken by a coughing fit. I kept calling out but nobody answered I knew someone is in there I could hear them whimpering in pain. ' someone please answer me! Where am I? Can anybody hear me?! Finally someone answered. ' would you stop screaming before the guards hear you! Someone hissed out at me.where are you? I can't see you? Am In the cell by your right she replied so I abandoned my position by the door and crawled over to the wall by my right. "What happened? Where are we? Are you okay? I managed to ask whoever is in there, I couldn't see her because of the wall between us but I was still thankful to finally have some answers.
' am fine,but I don't know where we are those men brought us here and put us in these cages I don't know what's going on they left a while ago after they brought you in,stop shouting if the guards hear you won't like the consequences.
'Are we the only ones here? I managed to ask with rising panic. 'No there are others in the cages around us,I don't know why we are here or what they are going to do with us, just sit down quietly and don't cause any trouble ok' the girl spoke in such a resigned tone It was clear that she's been here awhile.
"How long have you been here"
"Too long" she said with so much despair.
I wanted to ask more questions but I couldn't because I was afraid of the answer,pure terror consumed me at the thought of what all this means. It was only last week when I had the world at my fingertips, I was just a normal twenty year old with my whole life ahead of me but now am a captive stuck in a cell in a place I didn't know. I felt tears glide down my cheeks but I didn't even try to wipe them away what was the point, my situation won't change,I thought back to all that happened to bring me to this moment and I had no one to blame but my own stupidity.

Six days. That was how long it'd been since i was taken. Long enough for me to become a case. First as a missing person, then with the suspicion of foul play. Had i made the news yet? Most likely. In fact, i counted on it, because i wasn't the first to disappear from our little town. A girl had gone missing earlier this year, followed by a young woman a couple months ago.
I screwed my eyes shut and willed myself not to cry. It would do me no good.


I was walking back home after closing from the office I was doing my internship, I was so tired because I've been on my feet all day mum keeps telling me not to work myself so hard but I enjoy my job and I need a passing grade from my supervisor or I have to repeat the year so if what it takes is running around and doing anything asked of me at the office is what it takes to impress my supervisor then that's what I'll do besides I actually enjoy all the chaos of the news room, I've learned a lot from all the reporters I am now beginning to actually be confident that I can be a great reporter one day.
The adaidata man dropped me off by the roadside like always I tried to get him to take me to my house down the street but like always I was met with a no he won't enter my street unless I pay him more money. I don't know why I ask this adaidata people the same thing everyday and get the same response daily sometimes I get a good one and he takes me all the way to my house but it seems today isn't my lucky day,I hop down, pay him and start the long treak home,my house is right at the end of the street and I never look forward to the long walk after being so tired from work especially at night.i know Dad would scold me for coming home late but it can't be helped I was on duty during the 7pm news so I had to stay until the end of the program. I looked at my phone and it was already 8:30pm it's not so bad this is my street it's not like anything would happen to me although the street is usually empty by this time it's no big deal I'll be home soon anyway.
A message popped up on my phone as i was passing through the football field behind the community seems so vast at night without all the boys hanging out and playing ball while I tried to dodge flying balls so they won't hit me in the face.

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