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This is so not how I wanted tonight to go, in all the years we've been running this auction we have never had any leftovers,we always sold out no matter what but tonight because of that stupid arrogant girl we have broken our perfect record. The auction is over only the staff are left trying to clean up the mess and that annoying girl,to think I felt bad for her just hours ago, hmmmp! I should have known better than that, after her nonsensical display earlier nobody wanted to buy her,they all wanted a subservient girl they can enjoy not a strong-willed arrogant girl that'll probably murder you in your sleep.

She was still standing on the stage watching all the hustle and bustle going on as the hall emptied out and the customers dragged their purchases with them glaring at every one as if they personally offended her, if not for the slight sway and whimper of pain she keeps trying to bite down she looks like a fierce warrior ready to kill us all with the power of her glare, her eyes fell on mine and if looks could kill I'll be died right now.

Her anger is the least of my worries. I need to fix this before Alhaji finds out, he's going to be so disappointed in me, I can't think about that right now,I place a call to our European partner to see if he could take her off my hands but for some reason the call just won't connect so I call Mal Alfa to ask him to stall the person picking up the girls until I could get there but unfortunately It seems I'm just not going to get a win today cause the girls have already been collected hours ago.
Anger consumed me, I felt like wringing her little chickenlike neck it was all her fault I was in this situation,what am I going to do with her now. Kabir walked up to me he seemed happy and I felt like punching him,I don't see why he should be so happy when I could feel myself unraveling. Kabir is my oldest friend let's be real he's my only friend,we grew up together as street kids.the first time we met we beat each other to a pulp fighting over ten naira someone gave me to eat since I looked so hungry aimlessly walking around on the street,he was bigger than me and I was new to that side of town so he thought he could take it from me, I was just 7years old at the time scrawny and short but I was also hardened from years of being alone and having to take care of myself,I beat him up and left him bleeding,for some reason he came after me and pestered me until we called a truce, we became friends ever since,we took care of each other doing odd jobs, selling pure water on the road sometimes even stealing to survive. We worked different street corners because we didn't want to be competing for customers but we always met up at our spot in the evening before finding a safe place to sleep at night.Until I met Alhaji when I was 12 everyday was a struggle for me,He took me off the street and put me in school,I lost touch with Kabir for awhile after that I tried to find him but I couldn't, turns out he was trying to find me too. Alhaji moved us to Abuja when I was 14 and I gave up hope of ever seeing Kabir again.

By some turn of faith I saw him getting beat up by thugs one day when I visited kaduna with Alhaji 4yrs ago, at first I couldn't believe my eyes because the last time I saw Kabir was in the streets of Kano, I didn't know how he is suddenly in kaduna but I couldn't loose him again turns out he's been stealing people's bikes and they finally caught him. I managed to convince them to let him go, I compensated them for the bikes and I managed to convince Alhaji to take him with us and give him a job, at first he didn't trust him because he is a thief but I vouched for him and he finally agreed. He has been running the auction ever since,Kabir has always been good with people so it was the perfect job for him.

"What's up man! Why are you so stressed! We made good money tonight Alhaji will be pleased! You should be celebrating not pouting" he said when he came to stand next to me, he has a loud voice so it always seems like he is shouting.

"I'm stressed about that girl, what are we going to do with her?

"Just take her back to the warehouse, those turawa can have her, problem solved"

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