Chapter XX - The Laundry Department (Revised)

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I was given a new uniform -- pink inner clothing topped with a purple vest. I was used to wearing high-quality wool and silk. Now, this coarse cotton made my skin itchy. The Laundry Department's staffs were at a lower rank compared to the kitchen chefs. Sweat perforated the hostels and dust coated the pieces of furniture as I arrived at the courtyard home. The servants looked fierce and cunning, like foxes that couldn't wait to rob every belonging that I had.

I used to be the Chief Maidservants but now I had to bow in front of them.

I swore that I was never arrogant but all of them looked at me with hatred and jealousy in their eyes as I walked past them. I didn't mind speaking softly to them, but I hoped if I acted like a tame animal, they wouldn't climb over my head. Herald Zhang, the Chief Eunuch of the Laundry Department, brought me to my room. I had to share it with three other staffs. My locker was attached to my bed but it didn't have any keyhole or padlock. Eyes screwed to the back of my neck as I stored my belongings into it. Once I put down my bag of belongings, I was sent to work. The sun was burning atop my head when the seniors threw piles of soiled linens at me.

I had to scrap the thick textile against the wavy laundry board with my bare hands. After washing the first set of the uniform, my fingers began to blister. The water and detergent sizzled my wounds. Damn it, why washing machine wasn't created at this time? By sunset, the chores of the other maids were finished, but I still had a bucketful of uniforms to wash. Only the crescent moon and scattering stars on the sky were left behind as my companions.

When I squeezed dry the last pants with red fingers, it had already past midnight.

My back ached and creaked with every step that I maneuvered. It took a great effort to reach my hostel. My stomach squirmed in hunger. I felt relieved to see the dining table but when I removed the lid, disappointment and wrath conquered me. My roommates had eaten all the dinner, leaving only bones and rice that had toughened at the bottom of the pot for me. From the corner of my eyes, I saw them sniggering secretively.

The derision became more vindictive days later. When we were folding some wool blankets in a room, the Queenpin of my roommates teased as she glared at me, "A bald phoenix looks uglier than a chicken. Look at her, she looks worse than us now."

Another staff pointed to me, "Look how slow you work. You have been here for over a week now but you are so unproductive. I warn you, don't you dare cause us any trouble."

Before their curt laughter died away, Herald Zhang stomped in. "All of you, stand aside! I had been mocked this morning because the ambassadors complained that their uniforms were not washed properly. Mildews were found scattering over the damp materials and they gave off disgusting odour." He cast us an irate look before walking to a cabinet. Irked, he pulled out a blanket and pointed at a pile of loose cotton. "This is totally unacceptable! Who washed this?"

All eyes landed on me; the corners of their lips curled up, trying hard to hide their jubilance.

Balling my fist, I said, "Ruo Xi was the one who washed that. Ruo Xi will rewash it."

"Ah, it is Ruo Xi. It does not matter then." He grinned at me in a sinister way before pointing at the other servants. "All of you, help Ruo Xi to rewash the laundry. Do not expect a meal if the chores are not completed. If you dare disobey my orders and bully Ruo Xi into doing it, I will show you some unexpected colours." He turned to me bearing the same wicked expression. His eyes blazed with unnamed desires. "Come, Ruo Xi, I have something to speak to you."

I followed behind him, aversion raised to my chest. He brought me to his room and closed the door behind me. Smiling slyly, he said, "You can rest here for the rest of the day, Ruo Xi. I do not dare treat you like how I treat the other servants. Even the Fourteenth Prince sent his men and ordered me to take good care of you." He walked closer to me and sniffed my neck. "So fragrant. No wonder no one can resist you. Even me." Without any warning, he hugged me.

Shocked, I pushed him aside. "Please take care of your etiquette, Herald Zhang. I have deep acquaintances with several princes. I do not want to report your misbehaviour to them."

I dashed out of his room without even asking for my leave. When I was heading to my hostel, I bumped into Ice Face. All my anger resolved, replaced by embarrassment.

"How have you been lately?" he asked, his voice laced with deep concern.

"I am fine." I forced a smile.

He grabbed my blistered hand and scolded, "You call this fine? Tell me the truth."

"This is the truth. Though I have to work from early morning till late night and the food here isn't as delicious as what I used to taste, at least my fear has reduced a lot. I used to dread what might happen to me, whether the emperor would endow me to which princes or whether I'd say the wrong words that would make me lose my head. Now, I know there's only a bucket of clothes waiting for me when I open my eyes every morning. Honestly, I find my life much relaxing now."

"I will ask Father to bestow you to me tomorrow." Guilt leaked out of his eyes.

I shook my head. "It is useless now."

"It has been two years that Thirteenth Brother has been grounded. I stay away from handling all state affairs and indulge in farming in order to get Father's trust. And I succeeded. He seeks my opinions more often lately. I am sure I will--"

"Do you know why I was demoted? He wanted me to marry to the Fourteenth Prince."

"What?" A glint of fury rode across his eyes but seconds later, he caressed my hand with towering passion. "Why didn't you ask to leave the palace?"

"My heart has found its owner. I can only follow its bidding."

"Thank you for your love. Do not worry. I will definitely think of a way."

He embraced me and gripped my flesh in a fervent way. The warmth of his breath... The way his heart beat... The intent way he stared at me... I had been fantasizing the moments we would be together to help me survive these lonely days and now my ardent imagination had been realized. He hadn't forgotten about me. Now, even though I had to lie on the cold bed, I knew there would always be one man out there who was willing to share my torment.

We cuddled for a few minutes until the day gave way for the night, and bid each other goodbyes.

I walked to my hostel with lighter steps, but as I reached the entrance, I found the ambiance weird. One of my roommates stood by the entrance and shouted a warning to the others when I pushed open the front gate. Scurrying footsteps were heard followed by creaking of chairs as they sat down hastily. They then talked unusually loud as they saw me. Their pockets were bulky. I darted to my locker and found some jewelry dangling around the lid of my wood chest.

Controlling my temper, I said to Queenpin, "You can take whatever you want in this wood chest, but please return the Mulan hair clasp and the snuff bottle to me."

"I do not know what you are talking about. Don't you dare think that you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth that you could blame us. If Herald Zhang knows that you are lying-"

"Let's go to him then. The Jades' colours are formed according to the skin of the wearers. Don't tell me that yours are the same as mine." I halted a few seconds to allow my threat to sink in before continuing, "Also, these Jades were given by the emperor, his concubines, and the princes. They were crafted by the professionals. Herald Zhang might test you from where the Jade stones were found. Let's imagine what would happen if you can't answer his questions."

"You!" The Queenpin glowered at me as if she couldn't wait to dine on me.

"I don't want to be calculative with you. You can take everything you want. Just return the Mulan hair clasp and the snuff bottle to me." No matter how I had to retrieve Ice Face's gifts.

"Fine! Take it!" Queenpin threw the hair clasp on the floor, and it smashed apart.

Tears clung to my eyes as I picked the smithereens up. This was inauspicious. A bad omen. Would it mean that our relationship and our love would be torn apart just like that?

"Now, you want this too?" She held the snuff bottle high in the air, preparing to throw it.

Edited by YvonneKindle

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