04. hello, connecticut!

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02.03: red light on the wedding night
04: hello, connecticut!


     This was weird.

     No like, really, really weird.

    She was in Stars Hollow no longer as a visitor but as a residence member. Stars Hollow was going to be her home. Stars Hollow is her home.

    That sounds extremely odd. It didn't feel home-y. Not even the slightest. Maybe because they didn't have a place to live just yet or maybe because they were staying in a Inn for the next few days. Either way, the town didn't feel like a home to her and that did upset her.

    From the bright side: Dean was here.

    From the down side: Blaze was also here.

    And even from the downest side (yes, she knows that's not a word): Blaze and Dean were friends.

    She really did come to the conclusion, dating someone and being in the same friend group sucked because in situations like there, things got weird. Someone should've told her that three years ago when Blaze was just a little crush for her and not the love of her life.

    She blames Dean. He's an easy target.

    Walking inside the Independence Inn, she takes in the view around her. A smell of lavender and lemon hits her as she slowly spins around, taking in how pretty everything looked. She wasn't expecting the reception area to look so spacious and so decorative. (Bare in mind, the inns she's been to have always been tiny and complete opposite of what the Independence Inn was).

    "Dean's friend!" A familiar voice calls. Everleigh looks up as her grip around the suitcase handle tightens. Lorelai makes her way towards the teenager with a bright smile, "What are you doing here? Rory said you were in Chicago."

    "Well, I'm here now," She shifts her weight, "I actually have a booked room."

    "Oh," That surprises Lorelai, "Aren't you the same age as my daughter?"

     "Yup, seventeen for a couple of months," Everleigh adds, "It's under my dad's name. He called yesterday to let the Inn know."

      Now that rings a bell; Lorelai points a finger up, "Ah, yes. That was me on the phone. Now I do remember." Lorelai starts walking back to the reception table and Everleigh takes that as a signal to follow her. The woman glances at the girl, "You're not going to hide around the corner and pretend to be your dad for confirmation?"

     Everleigh smiles, "Only if i was twelve and lost in New York."

     "Good answer," Lorelai smirks as she points a finger at her. The teen watches as she walks around the table to stand next to another employee. His eyes never leave a file book, "Michel will take your bags."

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