~But at last came a knock~

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She's the greatest!! I love it when she comes over and has supper with us or just comes over to hang out with Karen. Her and Karen's friendship is so pure and they're both very hot girls.

                                                                ~ love, Sheila

"Why do you always make that face when you smoke a blunt?" I asked Ian. "What face?"

"Like you're having an orgasm," I replied stifling a laugh. His response was cut short by Lip walking into the bedroom. "Liam is officially asleep. 1 page from Debbie's book and he's out like a light."

I grabbed the book he was holding to see the cover 'chicken soup for the soul'. "Ha, I see why."

"Either of you got any cash you could float me...? Florence and the machine are playing at the Chicago theater and I want to take Karen for her birthday."

"Pretty expensive gift huh? Things getting serious?" I asked him curiously for the fact that this wasn't some random girl, but my best friend.

"Fuck off she's my best friend." He replied. "Actually...no, I'm her best friend you're her fuck buddy."

"Just like yours..." he started. "I'm not telling you who the boy is."

Ever since I let it slip that I was going bowling with a boy lip has been bugging me nonstop about who he is.

"Shit." I sighed hearing Liam faintly cry from the other room. The boys looked at me expecting me to go get him. "Nah, Debbie and I have to share a room with him...this is between you two."

They sighed and comprised by playing rock, paper, scissors shoot.



Nothing like the beautiful voice of Fiona Gallagher to wake you up in the morning. I was kinda surprised to not have been woken up by Debbie.

She did tell me last night that she had some business to attend to today but I didn't think that meant no good morning knock on the forehead.

Today I actually had plans with Mandy so I changed my shirt, bounced down the stairs, grabbed a banana, and walked out.

When I turned around to close the door behind me I saw Karen walk by the house to the backyard. "Hey, Karen what's up?"

"Lip told me to meet him back here," she replied putting her hands in her pockets and bouncing on her feet. "Where are you going?"

"oh, you know around..." I replied not wanting her to know I was going to hang out with Mandy. "Yeah....well, see ya."

"Yeah see ya too," I replied. We walked our separate ways and continued on to our destinations. I have never had such an awkward conversation with her.

We've actually been kinda drifting since she started hanging out with Lip. Like I have no idea what's going on with her dad, or who's her last hookup was and I'm usually the first to know this stuff.

I finished my banana and threw it in the Milkovitch's yard before knocking on the door.

"Hello, red's sister." Mickey Milkovich said opening the door. "Mickey," I replied with a straight lip smile.

"Mandy your friends at the door." He yelled not breaking eye contact. I could hear Mandy's steps from the inside of the house.

Once she got to the door she looked between the both of us who still haven't lost eye contact and I certainly wasn't planning on letting him beat me in whatever was going on.

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