Chapter 13

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I knew I would have to face Domick at some point in class, but I wasn't quite ready. So I took the cowards way out.

I asked the teacher to go see the nurse.

That way I would have an excuse as to why I didn't go back to calculus class once it starts  and showed up late to my next one, to avoid the hallway while students were in the hall.

I didn't want to risk seeing him in the hallway with Aubrey. Seth gave me the look as if he knew what I was doing while I was leaving the classroom.

Thankfully the nurse wasn't busy and was willing to let me stay the whole class period to try and "feel better". She also knew my aunt so I'm sure that helped.

Now I had one class period left till I could hide in the library during lunch. Seth would probably be against me hiding from Domick, so I'll most likely have to be in there alone. Seth had decided to do everything in his power to get us together.

A secret part of me hopes he succeeds.

I had no friends in this class, but I did have Aubrey. I walked in with my head down like usual, but when I looked up I saw her staring me down.

If looks could kill I'd be dead. Twenty-times over.

I just looked away and sat down in my seat. Usually she doesn't even acknowledge my existence so I knew this had to have something to do with Domick.

The class passed quickly and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

I wasn't sure if it would be easier to avoid him by rushing out of class or waiting till everyone left. I decided to wait, he would probably see Aubrey and chose to leave with her.

When I was finally the last student left in the room I got up, slowly grabbed my school work, and headed out the door.

Domick was right there. His wings a deep, dark red.

What happened to make him so mad?

Quickly I scurried past and didn't look back, scared to see what he would do. I always hated confrontations and based on the amount of anger shown on his wings, we were about to have one.

I didn't even stop in at the lunchroom to tell Seth I was going to the library, I just headed straight there. When I finally made it in through the library doors I sighed in relief at seeing the librarian.

"Didn't bring your boyfriend today?" She jokingly called out.

I let out a shakey laugh and shook my head absentmindedly.

When I turned the corner of the bookshelves and out of the librarians sight, I saw someone was already in my usual seat. That was my favorite spot just because of the privacy. 

How did he get here so fast.

Domick met my eyes that were widened with surprise. He stood up and stalked towards me. Instead of red, his wings were now such a dark green, they almost blended into his black wings.

Domick crowded me against the bookshelf. "Boyfriend?" He growled, if possible he looked even bigger.

"Wha-wel-um" My brain had short circuited. I couldn't even acknowledge that he had asked a question, too focused on the way his arms and wings were possessively surrounding me and causing tingles to run throughout my body.

Told you I was an arms kinda girl.

"What boyfriend?" He snarled this time.

"Seth?" Was all I could manage to gasp out. 

That somehow caused him to get even more mad.


Before I could even processed what was happening, Domicks lips latched onto the hollow of my throat.

He was setting off fireworks everywhere his lips touched as his stubble rubbed against me.

I knew he was leaving marks and I should stop him, but all I could manage to do was quietly moan as I ran my nails along his back.

He just kept mumbling mine when he would move to mark a different place, once in awhile coming up to kiss on my lips. I subconsciously tilted my head to give Domick more room and he rumbled his approval.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the shadow of a person standing yards away from us, so much for no one ever coming to the library. That snapped me out of the fog my mind was in, I quickly pushed at Domicks broad shoulders.

He didn't like that, he grumbled and stopped sucking but didn't move away, just stuck his head deeper into my shoulder. Pretty sure that deep inhale was him sniffing me.

"Domick", I hissed, "someone's here."

That snapped him out of it. He ripped his head up to glare at the person. He gather me closer in his arms, as if to protect me. He even wing wrapped me.

Seth stepped into the light.

"Kira", Seth pouted, "you didn't tell me you were coming here today." His lips raised into a satisfied smile. "I see you were busy though, so I understand."

"Understand this." Domick let me go and straightened up to his 6'4 height, he had somehow grown that quick. "Kira is mine now, she's not yours."

I was flattered he liked that much, but Seth was my best friend and I had literally told him Seth was not into women.

Seth looked confused, "What? She's only my best friend, you can have her."

Was he trying to say I couldn't be friends with Seth. Oh hell no.

I stepped away from Domick, his wings were still trying to stay tightly wrapped around me.

"I think a discussion is in our very near future, we need to talk... Asshole."

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