Chapter 9

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In the following week, Hitomi instantly regretted her actions. She stood some ways away from the convenience store, close enough to see Nishinoya Yuu squatting outside the entrance but far enough to not be detected by the boy.

He sported his usual black shorts and brightly colored t-shirt with a random four-character idiom printed on the front. His hair was back to its swept-up style that added about ten centimeters to his height. There was a white plastic shopping bag next to him, the ones typically used by the store. He appeared to be reading from a notebook, worry lines creasing his forehead as he struggled with the content.

Hitomi blinked a few times, weighing her decisions. Why, just why had she given him that schedule? She really didn't need to encourage him. No matter how she was feeling at the time and despite the spark of guilt that spurred her actions, Hitomi should have just left him to his own devices. If he got a heat stroke or frostbite waiting outside for her, that should be his fault. She really shot herself in the foot this time.

The girl released a heavy sigh, wondering for the umpteenth time just what was wrong with her. She justified her actions with the idea that Nishinoya probably would have kept waiting for her regardless. Schedule or no schedule, he surely would be stupid enough to come here every day in the hopes of seeing her. The thought helped a little in easing her feelings of regret.

She rolled her shoulders and sighed again, mentally preparing for her encounter with him. As she drew closer, Nishinoya's ears perked up. He instantly got up to greet her, the worry lines disappearing from his forehead and his smile as vibrant as ever.

It really made her wonder how he could always be this happy to see her. It also made her realize just how important volleyball was to him if a simple loss could make him so depressed. She then wondered what he was looking at before to make him frown like so.

"Hitomi-chan!! I missed you!!!" His booming voice greeted her. She was glad that there weren't any houses close enough to be disturbed by his volume.

"I have a feeling you would say that even if we had met yesterday." She accused with a raised brow.

Nishinoya just beamed at her, his smile blinding. "Even one second away from you is unbearable!!" Hitomi rolled her eyes, wondering how many of those cheesy lines he has in reserve and how many times he's used them on other girls before. He's probably used them on that 'Kiyoko-san' before, whoever she is.

Other guys had used those types of lines on her before, but to no avail. For some reason, she wasn't bothered as much when Nishinoya said it.

Suddenly, he thrust the white shopping bag in front of her. "I got these for you! To repay you for all your kindness!" Nishinoya's eyes gleamed with excitement, entirely eager to please her.

Hitomi raised an eyebrow in question, cautiously reaching out to take the bag. She studied his face, seeing how eager he was. He looked like a puppy looking up at its owner, wagging its tail and waiting for its owner to get ready for their long-awaited walk. She glanced down into the bag, seeing copious amounts of snacks. Way more than she would usually buy.

Upon further inspection, her eyes widened slightly in surprise. There were some Konpeito sugar candies, Kasugai assorted gummies, various Kit Kat bars, bottles of Calpis, cans of Mitsuya Cider, as well as many other snacks. Some of the flavors he chose were questionable at best, but most of the snacks he chose were some of her favorite brands.

She supposed he wasn't only looking at just her beauty.

Nishinoya really didn't seem like the observant type, but he was surprising her a lot lately. Even though he got some of the flavors wrong, he managed to remember her favorite snacks just from a few short encounters. She had even told him many times that he needn't do anything to pay her back. Yet, he still chose to anyways.

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