21 : The Anchor Lakey

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16th April 2017


Intro: A segment of Ludovico Einaudi's "Fly" is played on the piano over a track of rustling trees and whispering.


Hi, folks, and welcome back to The Anchor Lakey for its thirtieth episode! When I first had this idea last year, and I begged Oli to join me, I had no idea it would get this far.


Me neither. Had I realised it'd still be going now, I might not have said yes. I have exams coming up.


We both do, Oli, and this is, what, twenty minutes out of your entire week? You love it really.

[Oliver harrumphs]

You couldn't stop. I know you, you'd get too jealous. And you love me too much to let me down.

[Oliver sighs dramatically]


You've got me there, Sukes. I'm bound by the contract of our best-friendship to get involved in all your whims and weird ideas. Gotta keep you grounded. We can't have you floating off with the fairies on my watch.


And that's why were such a good double act. I'm a dreamer; your feet are planted firmly on the ground.


Where they belong.

[Sukie laughs]


So, onto the topic of today's episode. If you've listened to the last few then you know that ever since I found the letters J, A, N, and E at the start of The Key to Anchor Lake – which I thought said Jane at first, until Cat pointed out the very subtle full stops – I've been tirelessly in pursuit of answers.

To any Janes who are listening, I've probably already hounded you for an interview, and once again, I'm sorry. If you happen to be a Jane who I haven't talked to, and you were born before the year 2000, then please get in touch!

I also owe a thank you and an apology to Jackie Atkins and Norma Evans from Lake View Nursing Home – I really appreciate you answering my questions and listening to my rants, and I'm sorry for bothering you just because of your initials!

Also, a quick PSA to all the listeners of The Anchor Lakey – if you have any free time and you're happy to head over to Lake View, they're always looking for volunteers to chat with the residents and lead activities. They've started a weekly listening party for the podcast, so I like to pop over when I can!

Anyway, what I was I saying?


About J.A.N.E., and how we haven't found anything.


Oh. Yeah. Basically, we've got nowhere. For some reason, some reason I can't understand or decode, Mary wrote those four letters at the front of her book. I've gone through pretty much every book in my house, and the majority of them reserve that page for dedications.


So it would make sense that it's a coded dedication, right?


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