Chapter 12

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A/N: hey guys I might not be updating for a little while, I am going into a psych ward in two days, i havent been doing the best so sorry if I don't update for a little while but I need to focus on my mental health x

The party was in full swing and I had spoken to more people tonight than ever before. I had also met more werewolves than ever before. They had a much stronger scent, being that there is more of them and they are one of the few remaining shifters to live in such large packs. The larger the pack the stronger the scent clings to the shifters form. Werewolves believed their strength came from within their tight family bonds and numbers whereas most other shifters were keen to remain alone unless mated or a family.

I had spoken to a lot of people and it seemed like that all of them were welcoming or at least open to the fact that I was their alphas mate. I had met some really cool people and would be interested in starting a friendship with several of them. One of which was named Tallulah, she was the leopard shifter I had met on one of my runs. She was a pack warrior and did the many border patrols we had, her mate Belle was a wolf, they were a ridiculously cute couple and I really enjoyed the time I had spent talking to them. Thatcher said he was really proud of me for talking to so many people.

I hadn't seen any sight of Jace or Todd and was a little concerned for my friend, but I know Todd wouldn't do anything to him and if he tried id kill him, id killed snakes before and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Todd loves Jace and I hope that the small beta was able to tell him of the happy news. I would have to ask Thatcher or seek out Jace myself soon.

I had managed to sneak off several times for a few minutes to check on the cubs and thankfully they were playing every time even Atticus was playing this time he was playing with a hawk and they were playing a game of tip it was a very sweet sight that someone had shifted to play with him. Everyone was happy each time I had checked, the babysitter, Hagan, was great with kids, keeping them happy, entertained and fed. Tomorrow or tonight after picking up the kids I was going to let him know just how good with kids he was and just how grateful I was he had volunteered to look after the packs kids tonight.

I was on my way back from sneaking to the children's room when a shiver ran down my spine the same as the other day on my run. I looked all around but even with my advanced night vision I couldn't see any one or even a shadow. The feeling didn't leave though it felt like someone was staring holes into the side of my head and it was making me feel very vulnerable and scared. My breathing was picking up a little, it felt as though I was prey being stalked by an angry and hungry predator, I thought I had escaped this when I moved here and was no longer on the plains. This brought the feeling back of being alone with just my cubs trying to keep them alive and I hated that feeling, it was the worst time of my life and I didn't want to repeat that or those feelings. Having the cubs was a beautiful gift from the gods and goddesses but that feeling will forever haunt me and be a large part of my nightmares

I picked up my speed and could see the lights of the party when I felt a slight breeze tickle past the small hairs on the nape of my neck and what was carried on it scared me to my soul, it was a deranged scent. It smelt sickly sweet, a scent so sweet my eyes began to water, and I gaged slightly. A scared cackle arose from deep within it was loud and continuous, before I knew it I was running back to the party when I reached the illuminated area of the party and the music was deafening did I feel the eyes retreat and the scent seemingly disappear.

My head swivelled from side to side attempting to locate Thatcher, I needed the safety I felt with him, I felt like a child again. I spotted his large frame and immediately bolted towards it bypassing the shifters that attempted to speak to me, I would have to apologise at a later date and within seconds I was in front of Thatcher vaulting myself into his chest near climbing him like a tree. I took large lungful's of his deep woodsy fresh scent and tried to remember to breather and calm down. He could sense my distress and excused himself from the group of pack warriors, walking us over to a more secluded area near the raging bonfire.

The warmth from the fire was comforting and eased the remaining worry within me, well that may have been caused by Thatchers smell and being in his arms. I was staring into the dancing flames focusing on my breathing whilst my mate rubbed my back.

"What's wrong baby?" Thatcher asked, brushing the black locks away from my face and behind my ear.

I felt silly all of a sudden about the way I had acted from a simple smell and feeling. It was embarrassing to be such a scardey hyena, but it was probably for the best that I told him just in case something was wrong and then he could help deal with it.

I took a deep breath and explained everything that had happened on the brief walk back from the children's room. Thatcher listened intently drinking in all the words I was saying. I finished by saying that it was the same feeling I had felt when I took the cubs on a run a few days ago.

There was a brief growl from Thatcher that scared me slightly, I felt like I had done something wrong by telling him, he was quick to tell me that he's very happy I told him, his wolf just doesn't like the idea of something happening to me and this seemed to be a pattern but he does wish I would have told him about this feeling the first time it had happened so that maybe he could have done something to help then.

"It's not you baby, I'm going to increase the patrols on this area of the house and ask them to keep a watch out for this unusual scent okay?" he kissed my forehead and gathered me closer to his chest to comfort me and secretly I think for him as well, we may have only known each other for a short period of time but he was a very possessive mate and I love it.

Thatcher decided that our time at the party was over and it was time to collect the kids, he didn't think I was in the right frame of mind to talk to more people. Thatcher announced this and we bid farewell to everyone we passed. We took the same way to the children's room, but the scent was gone and so was the feeling of the eyes. Thatcher was trying to find the scent subtly, but it was very clearly gone. The walk was semi awkward with all the deep breathes that my mate was taking I couldn't help but let out a slight laugh and it seems my attempt at covering it was unsuccessful if the smirk I received was anything to go by.

The walk was short and soon we were entering the room that Hagan was looking after. It was quieter than the last time I checked, all the children had settled down and were watching an animated film, all crowded around the tv sharing a large blanket between several of them, the younger ones were asleep on the couches in said room.

I walked into the room waving at Hagan and walking towards my cubs all in their hyena form, it was a colder night and the fur provided warmth. They bolted towards me when they seen me making small happy noises and jumping around for my attention. I greeted each of them and gave everyone attention they had missed whilst I was gone. We bid goodbye to Hagan thanking him for everything and taking such good care of the cubs. We swiftly made our way back to the alpha area of the packhouse.

"Thatcher? Can we have a sleepover tonight?" I ask giving my best puppy-dog eyes.

"Hmm? What do you mean by sleepover babe?"

"Well... I want to sleep in the bed with you tonight, I think, but I also want the kids close by because of everything that has happened tonight. I-is that okay?" I asked scared of his reaction.

"Of course, you all can stay in my room baby, we can pull the mattress from your room into my room and the cubs can sleep on my bed or the mattress how about that?"

I smiled and happily nodded it was such a good idea I think the kids agreed by the way they were happily making noise all the way to our bedroom. We made quick work of moving the mattress and all the plush blankets into my mates' room, we decided the kids can have his bed and we will have the floor bed. The kids were quick to change back and jump into the alphas bed curling into his much softer pillows and blankets they were loving it. It was such a nice feeling having my kids and mate close by, this is how it should be, I would need to speak to him about changing the sleeping arrangements.

Thatcher and I curled up on the bed on the floor and he draped a blanket over us. Along with the blanket I was surrounded in my mate's warmth and his arms were wrapped around my waist in a spooning position. The cubs had fallen asleep as soon as their little heads had hit the pillow. He kissed the back of my neck and cuddled me all night, it was the best sleep I'd ever had even after the rough night.

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