Chapter 38

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This extra chapter is dedicated to my black readers. The mistreatment of black people in America has gone on for far too long, and I fully support those protesting and rioting. We cannot continue to let police brutalize people for the color of their skin. George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, may you rest in peace and serve as a reminder of what needs to change in society.

White people: Please do not remain silent on matters such as this. Speak out, stand up for the people who need it most. Use your privilege to help end the targeting of minorities in America.

Black lives matter.

If any of my readers have an issue with this, you're racist and not welcome here.

Stay safe.


"You're going to wear a hole into the carpet," Leo warns, and I momentarily stop my pacing.

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" I ask, as the sun had already begun to rose and Thane and his trackers were still gone.

Leo looks at me in pity. "Don't worry, Onyx. They'll be fine, whoever took you will be brought to justice. Do you remember anything yet?"

I shake my head, continuing to pace, completely useless. All I could do was hope that whatever Finn had done to hide the cabin was still intact, and Thane didn't discover it.

I briefly wondered if I should feel guilty for hoping that my kidnapper would not be found. Was I betraying the pack, my mate?

But it would be worse if Thane had known the truth behind why I was kidnapped. If he knew that there was a group of rogues banding together, he would certainly view that as a threat to his pack.

I didn't want to think about what he would do to Finn if he knew of his delusions.

My heart nearly pounded out of my chest as the front door opened, and Thane stepped through, looking even more exhausted than the last time I had seen him. 

His eyes searched frantically until they met mine, and he immediately stalked over, pulling me into a tight hug that nearly knocked the wind out of me.

"I'm sorry," He breathed.

"You didn't find him?" I asked in surprise, pulling away.

He shook his head ruefully. "I'm not sure what happened. We had such a strong scent, and we followed it North for awhile until we reached a clearing," My breathing halted. "And the track went cold, out of nowhere. It's possible it started raining in the area and washed away their scent."

"That's too bad," I murmur, trying to sound disappointed.

Leo walks over to Thane and they share a look, no doubt having a private conversation with their minds.

"I'm going to help Jason with training the juniors," Leo mutters, dismissing himself, but not before turning to me. "I'm sorry we failed you, Onyx," He whispered, his eyes shining in regret, and it sent pangs through my chest.

"He blames himself," Thane says quietly once he left. "For not being there when he took you."

I shake my head in disbelief. "You don't believe that, do you? That Leo is to blame."

"Of course not," Thane says softly. "It's my fault for leaving you unguarded."

Nodding, I bring my hand up to his face, gently running my thumb over the dark circle under his eye. "You should get some rest."

Thane shakes his head, and his eyelashes flutter as he struggles to keep his eyes open. "I have too much to do today."

"You're leaving me alone?" I ask in a combination of surprise and disappointment.

Thane snorts. "Of course not. I'm not letting you out of my sight for a long time," He kisses my forehead. "I can work from my office. Join me?"

Nodding, I accept the hand he extends as he guides us to his office, where he collapses into the oversized chair. He uncaps a pen and begins to go through the stack of papers scattered on his desk.

Bookshelves line the walls, with thick, embroidered spines of books neatly stacked. "Have you read all of these?" I ask as I run my hand along them. They feel cold.

"No," Thane admits, not looking up from his papers.
As my hand runs along the cool spines, my hand stops on one that feels warmer than the others. I remove the dark green book and read the title that's written in elegant gold lettering: The Gifts and the Curses of the Moon.

Taking a seat on the floor, I cross my legs, putting the heavy book in my lap, flipping it open to the first page. I frown, noting that previous pages had been torn out, the first page starts mid-sentence.

and for thousands of years they argued over the Gifts. The Moon Goddess believed all of her Gifts were merciful, were blessings bestowed upon the wolves.

But he disagreed. He could see how some Gifts tormented the wolves, and felt as though they were cursed for possessing them. Some had too much power, too much power for any mortal to possess, and it nearly drove them mad. But there was nothing he could do, for the Moon Goddess knew that the Gifts were necessary.

"Who is he?" I mutter to myself.

"Hm?" Thane asks, still engaged with his paperwork.

"Nothing, sorry," I apologize, continuing to scrim through the pages, unable to find who the "he" referenced was.

I read through more of the book, which detailed about how Gifts were mostly unique, with the exception of a few gifts such as healing or those with the Sight. Some Gifts were similar, such as those with elemental powers.

Like Alpha Cain, I thought to myself, who seemed to be able to completely control flames as well as induce them spontaneously. The book discusses how some people are only Gifted with partially being able to control the elements, such as only being able to control flames that already existed, or only able to manipulate already existing water. Those who can both create and manipulate the element are Blessed by the highest degree by the Moon Goddess.

So Alpha Cain was powerful, partially because he was Blessed by the Moon Goddess, or maybe he was Blessed because he was already powerful.

The Gifts are bestowed as a reflection of the wolf. None are given randomly. The Healers are caretakers, gentle and kind, so they are given a Gift that allows them to help others. Alphas are usually given strong offensive Gifts, made to help them in battle. I nearly choked as I read the next line.
Those with dark Gifts are tainted, cursed by their rotten souls and hearts.

"No," I whisper. That couldn't be true. I would never use my Gift to harm, I wasn't a monster. I didn't have a "rotten soul". Or did I?

Was I truly destined to become the monster the Moon Goddess suspected? None are given randomly, I reread.

Maybe I do have a dark heart. The Gifts are bestowed as a reflection of the wolf.

Do I have the same darkness that fuels my magic lurking deep in my bones, flowing through my blood?

You destroyed Killian's arm, nearly murdering him, my subconscious reminded me.

That was an accident. I was six years old, I didn't know what I was doing!

You could have killed Ares with your magic, my viscious subconscious threw back. You wanted to kill her so badly your magic resurfaced. Your black magic is a reflection of your anger.

It's a reflection of you.

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