Chapter 3

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Authors note

Hi everyone, so here is chapter 3, enjoy :D


Harry P.O.V.

I woke up in the clothes from the night before and tear stains on my cheeks, which meant i had been crying myself to sleep, which was something i did often now a days. I got out of bed to get myself ready for another day of school. When I had finished in the bathroom I went downstairs to get breakfast that my mother had left for me on the kitchen counter.

I had to walk to school, and since Gemma had already left for an early class, i had to walk alone. I walked out and locked the door behind me. I was nearly half way there when i felt someone put a hand on my shoulder, I jumped a little and slowly turned around to see my four mates standing in front of me.

"You scared the shit out of me, don't ever sneak up on me like that again" I said with my hand over my quickly beating heart.

"Oh i'm sorry we scared you princess, we just saw you walking here all alone, so we thought we would accompany you" Louis said with a soft voice.

"Uhm, sure" I answered and Louis quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me with him. Soon i felt another hand in my free one, and when i looked over i saw that it was Niall.

When we arrived at the school gates the bell rang meaning there was five minutes to class. "Which class do you have princess" Louis asked me.

"Uhh, i think i have history" I answered not completely sure of my schedule yet.

"Then you're with me" Liam said smiling. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the history class. Like seriously what is it with people dragging me everywhere, first my sister and now my mates too.

Liam and I walked into the history classroom and I took a seat in the mid row, Liam taking the seat next to me. One minute later the teacher walked in and started class.


The bell rang and class was dismissed. "So what class do you have now darling" Liam asked as we walked out of class.

"I think i have English class now" I answered.

"Awe, none of us have that class right now, can you handle on your own" Louis said as he had heard my talk with Liam.

"I've been on my own until now, i think one class wont hurt" I answered a little sassy.

"Don't you dare use that sassy tone on us young lady" Liam then said as he grabbed my shoulder. I flinched at the touch, and he must have noticed 'cause he quickly moved his hand away from me.

"We know you might not be ready yet, but there comes a time where you have to tell us what happened to you, we can't even touch you without you flinching" Zayn said, with concern in his voice.

I looked down on my feet "I know, b-but i-i just d-don't wanna g-get the memories, they h-haunt me in m-my dreams every n-night and i-i don't wan't i-it to haunt m-me in the day t-too" I stuttered. I was on the edge of a breakdown, so yet again i just ran, but this time i didn't run home. I ran into the nearest toilet and locked myself in. As soon as i had turned the lock i fell down to the ground my eyes filling with tears. There i sat with my arms wrapped around my knees, while people kept knocking on the door, but i didn't care, or i didn't care until i heard my sisters voice.

"Harry i now what you've been trough, but if you want to get better you have to accept help, and let us inside" Gemma said, as the knocking continued.

"I-i can't" I answered still crying.

"Yes you can and you will, and if you don't i will call mom, and the she can come and get you out" she said. She knew me well enough to know that i didn't like to make our mom come out of work for something as small as me having a breakdown.

"Don't you dare" I said cold as i had almost stopped crying.

"Either you come out now or i will" She said, and i could just imagine the smirk she had on her face.

"Fine" I said, colder than ever before. I Shakily stood up and reached for the lock 'click' as soon as i opened the door Gemma jumped onto me and hugged me tightly.

"Don't ever do that again Harry. If you ever get another breakdown come to me, and we will get trough it together, okay" Gemma said still hugging me.

"Okay" I said. When we stopped hugging, i saw four other starring at me, my mates.

"We where so worried, are you okay love" Niall said.

I looked down at my feet "I'm fine" I said quietly.

"Well you where in there for a whole our, so it's lunch time, wanna come sit with us" Liam asked as he saw how uncomfortable i got.

"Sure" I said quietly, and before i could do anything else i was being dragged by Niall out of the room to the cafeteria.


Authors note

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It wasn't as long as chapter 2 but i hope you enjoyed it anyways.

Bye, have a good day or night :D

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