Chapter 14

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The door opened, and the doctor walked in then. "Well, it looks like a party, and I was not invited, I see," he teased. "How are you feeling, Miss Henley?"


"Good. I think you should be able to go home. I will send you home with some pain meds, antibiotics, and some bandages. Keep your wounds dry if you can. The stitches will dissolve on their own, so I shouldn't need to see you again unless the cuts start looking infected."

"Okay, thanks, Doc," Amelia smiled at him.

"I'll just go get your release papers, and your medicine and be right back," he said and left the room.

"So, are you four taking me home?" Amelia asked them.

"Well, Becky and Ellis came in her car," Jacque said, "and Ashton let Victor and I borrow a car to come and see you, as long as we were careful with it."

"Which car?"

"The Lamborghini Aventador, but it's only a two-seater. So if you want a ride in it, we can kick Victor into Becky's car."

"Wait, why can't I drive it?" Victor pouted.

"Because Ashton told me I was the only one who could drive it. He knows I won't wreck it."

"What about me?" Ellis asked.

"Considering what you did to his other car? Don't even ask," Jacque told him.

"True, okay, fine. Victor, you can ride with Becky and I. Let the princess ride with Jacque."

"Ellis," Amelia warned him.

He just grinned cheekily. "Amy."

"Do I have clothes?" Amelia then asked.

"Yes," Becky said, walking to a wardrobe in the corner of the room. She pulled out a skirt and blouse, along with underthings. "I brought these yesterday."

"Thanks, Becky."

"No problem, cousin," she smiled.

"Okay, young lady," the doctor said, walking back into the room. "Here is your medicine, bandages, and your papers."

Amelia nodded, signed what she needed to, took the supplies, then the doctor excused himself.

Jacque walked to the bed and gently lifted Amelia out of it. "Can you walk?"

"Only one way to find out," she said and stood up. He held onto her for a moment, and then let her go. She wobbled for a moment, but then straightened up. "I think I am good." She then took the clothes and headed to the bathroom. Amelia took a quick shower, trying to keep her bandages as dry as possible. She needed to wash off, she looked horrible. She still had caked blood on her.

When Amelia walked from the bathroom, she was frowning.

"Are you okay?" Jacque asked her in concern.

"I'm okay, just in a little pain. I am frowning because you four did not tell me how horrible I looked. Why didn't you tell me I had blood on my face, in my hair, or all over me? Seriously?"

Jacque chuckled. "You still looked beautiful, Amy, so don't worry about it, and you are all cleaned up now."

"Yes, and my bandage is wet on my arm, and on my head," she said.

"No problem," Ellis replied, stepping forward. "I am in college to become a doctor, so I can help rebandage you."

He opened new bandages, and making Amy sit on the bed; he proceeded to bandage her again. "Your cuts look like they are healing, so that is good," he said, his face close to hers as he dressed her forehead.

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