14. First day

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Happy Reading

The next day, it was her first day of college. She was happy, excited too. She was going to her dream college - to fulfil her dream. She will always be thankful to Abhimaan for this.

Back in Udaipur, when she lived with her uncle's family and they denied paying her college fees - she started to teach in a primary school, pursuing a simple graduate degree.

She wanted to save money for her dream. Her aunt used to take half of her salary saying she has done a lot for her, so she has the right on her earnings. She always saved the other half but little did she know the amount was like a tiny drop of water in the ocean.

But she never stopped. She always had that hope in her heart that one day a miracle would happen and she would get to live her dream. For once in life.

Finally, she was going to live her dream.

Her father's dream.

She smiled looking at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a white top and black jeans, and a pair of white sneakers. She also wore a shrug above it, which she brought from Udaipur. She applied a nude coloured lipstick with a little bit of mascara on her eyes to complete her look.

She left her hair open as usual. She smiled with satisfaction looking at herself. She looked at the time - 7:30 AM. She has 30 minutes to prepare breakfast and then start for her college which begins at 10 AM. That means, she has to leave around an hour early but it's her first day so she thought to leave earlier.

She went to the kitchen, and memories of last night came to her mind. They ate together. He didn't shout or yell at her. They had a normal dinner together.

But then his mood switched, becoming grumpy.

"No Samaira, don't think about it. You are happy today. Don't ruin it!"

She told herself. She prepared him eggs, toasts and coffee just the way he liked to have. For herself, she made some fruit salad and fruit juice.

She knew Mrs Annie would be late since she told her to come late.

Right at 8 AM, she heard footsteps.

He is here.

She put everything on the table, he looked at her from head to toe. He has never seen her so dressed up before. With her simple clothes, without showing her skin - she was looking pretty. Her eyes were twinkling today with a certain shine in them. He noticed that she had applied some lipstick too.

Looks like she is going somewhere!

"Mrs Annie would be late. So, I made this." She said keeping the fruits on the table.

He saw how her eyes roamed everywhere except him. Her long wavy hair - made her look cuter.


"What the hell is my problem?"

He groaned in his mind. She was still waiting for his confirmation. But he just kept on looking at her, making her shift uneasily in her position.

"Is that okay?" She asked again in her sweet, soft voice.

"What?" He replied. He didn't hear a single word she had said. He was busy looking at her.

"Yeah, fine." He said coming back to his senses. He settled in his chair, still watching her every move.

She felt his eyes on her. She felt conscious. Both ate in silence.

He looked up again to watch her silently drinking her juice. Her plate had fruits but not eggs.

Maybe she likes fruits.

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