Hocus Pocus

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"In which a Slytherin proves that just because she's represented by a snake, it doesn't mean that she's a snake herself"



Amelia, also known as Lia, had a difficult start in life. With so much ambition to prove herself as a worthy witch she landed herself a spot in Slytherin. As a muggleborn she wasn't really welcomed with open arms. With the help from a certain werewolf teacher she befriended Ginny Weasley, even though she was one year younger than the fierce redhead. 

Life for her didn't get any easier when the Dark Lord returned in her second year at Hogwarts. The wizarding war took a lot from everybody and so Amelia decided to start fresh in America after finishing her education. 

Now as a thirty year old witch she has a stable job in the Auror division in MACUSA, the Ministry of Magic in America. While doing small jobs and easy tasks Lia can't help but think that she was meant for more.

So when she gets called in by the head of the Auror division with the task to check out an other-worldly threat, she gladly takes it. Getting thrown into another life threatening situation Amelia is in for a wild adventure. Meeting other members, and a certain sarcastic tincan, Lia can only hope that she doesn't blow her cover.
After all, nobody can know about the wizarding world.  


Amelia Harvey Martin

All of a sudden I didn't fit in anywhere

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All of a sudden I didn't fit in anywhere. Not at school, not at home ... and every time I turned around, another person I'd known forever felt like stranger to me. Even I felt like a stranger to me.

-Wendelin Van Draanen               


Anthony stark

He hides in his world of laughter and friends but when he's alone, the pain never ends

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He hides in his world of laughter and friends but when he's alone, the pain never ends.



Amelia & Tony 

You'd be surprised how much you can have in common

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You'd be surprised how much you can have in common

with someone completely different from you.


Hocus Pocus // T. StarkWhere stories live. Discover now