Destined to be like this

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Happy reading beautifuls..

"And we created you in pairs..!
~Quranic verse

Author's p.o.v

Everyone went back to their homes leaving Roshanne and Mahbir behind.

Roshanne was sitting in Mahbir's room in the centre of his bed with her lehanga scattered around her and her arms encircled around her knees.

Golden bangles was shining and dancing around her wrist.

Golden choker was giving her neck a lavish look.

She heard door opening and clenched her dress tightly to control her heart which beating crazily.

Mahbir entered in his room and stopped at the sight in front of him.

She was on his bed with her head  down and veil covering it.

He was stunned for some time witnessing this much beauty in front of him but soon he composed himself.

He took steps towards bed and sat in front of her.

He cleared his throat to get her attention.

She raised her head up.

After debating for long time with himself he finally stretched her veil up revealing her beautiful face with lowered eyes and quivering lips.

"Umm! Look!"
He was trying yo speak but was unable because it was getting complicated for him to handle such beauty.

"See Roshanne you know the reason why I married you so.."
He stated sorry but she interuppted him.

"So I won't take my hopes high and won't demand anything from you."

"Yeah whatever and don't interrupt me next time!!"
He said bit louder making her flinch back.

She nodded quietly.

He took deep breath to calm himself.

"We are may be in a relationship but we don't have love of hate or any other feeling bounding us and that's cool. I too myself don't believe in love shit.  This marriage is a contract in which you will keep your distance and so I. I will provide you with all your needs but their will be no husband wife thing between us. Understand??"
He asked.


"Good!! Now your things are shifted to next room.  You will stay there cause I can't share my bedroom with anyone."
He said standing up.

She nodded and stood up.

She took two steps forward only to trip over her heavy dress and was about to fall when a strong pair of arms took her in its embrace.

She slowly opened her eyes and they met with his blank ones.

He said straightening her.
He turned around only to pull back again.

He looked at the thing which was pulling him back to her and rolled his eyes at the dramatic scene.

Her bangles were tangled with the strings of his Kurta.

She tried to snatch her hand back but ended up delaying the fabric of his Kurta.

He was looking at her in amusement who was trying her best to tear his shirt.

In this quest she elbowed him on chest hardly unknowingly.

He shouted and she froze.

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