|| First Day at Office

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to Aa_zrin and alina_ashh
Thanks girls for your votes and support 💗
You guys are amazing writer yourself. I love following your works. And getting appreciation from you means alot to me.

*Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile and start again*

Ayat's POV

I got my reporting time and address of my new office through a mail from Mr. Hudson. Alina was sad at first but when she realized that I'm still her roomie and now I would bring some other juicy gossip of another place for our entertainment she beamed with excitement. Of course, she was more enthusiastic about the contacts of corporate guys which I would possibly bring for her.

So typical of Alina, hot guys, hot sex

I reached at sharp 9:30 am in front of the building and walked over to front desk. Because I believe, two most powerful warriors are time and patience. So better spend time waiting for the opportunity to take an action than to miss the chance.

“Hello I'm Miss Seth. I got a mail of Mr. Hudson yesterday to report here.”

“Oh Miss Seth. Nice to meet you and welcome to the company. Let me inform Mr. Hudson of your arrival”

Girl in front desk replied with a warm smile. She seemed nice and very pretty. She is wearing a gray pencil skirt with red full sleeve shirt which was looking classy and elegant specially more professional.

I look down on myself of course it's my first corporate job but I could have done better. I should have searched something on internet before showing up here dressed in beige trouser and blue full sleeve blouse.

Sometimes I am really slow.

“This way Miss Seth”

Her voice brought me back from my thought. I followed her in twenty seventh floor. When the door of elevator open we walked towards the left wing. I could see there were other offices in this floor. I was scanning the whole floor and the interior with my big brown eyes.

“This is the floor where our executive chief of quality control and VP have their offices”
Front desk girl answered my curiosity. She must be observing me gawking the floor.

I simply nodded not sure of my voice. And I certainly not interested to bombard her with my twenty questions. Because I really didn't want my first impression should to present myself like a crazy little money who just came out of the zoo.

“You know I never got a chance to ask your name... You know mine of course”

“It's Emily Jones” she replied in a gentle voice and of course with a warm smile.

I was thinking, is her smile permanent. I mean like pasted with glue or something. She smiles too much. Doesn't her mouth hurt for smiling with each answer. I'll definitely be going to ask her when we'll become friends in future or if we become.

She knocked the door and we walked inside. “Miss Seth is here sir” she informed Mr. Hudson.

“Thank you, Emily. You can leave now” He said without looking up from his files. I look around the room it's too modern for a middle age man. Its interior looked more metallic likable for a youngster.

“Hello Miss Seth please take a seat”
He said to me lifting his head from the file. I stared at him with a sock this guy is handsome not as handsome as my VP but admirable of course. Well-built, strong forearms, sharp jaw line, and he has gray eyes. He is definitely gorgeous on a scale of ten he is almost 9.5. While I was in my fantasy observing his features he continued “You will report to me for next four days and then from Monday you'll directly report to CEO. I have mailed you some report of new project. Take a note on it observe the outcome part and impact part and submit it to me as soon as possible”

“Yes sir”

“Emily has shown you your temporal desk, right?”

“No sir, she directly brought me to see you”

“Strange she is usually very prompt in her work it's ok I'll ask Sam to show you your desk” he pressed the intercom and a young man may be of my age came in.

“Sam show Miss Seth her desk and make sure she is comfortable”

“Ok Miss Seth all the best on your first day and if you have any doubt please feel free to contact me”

I left his office with Sam. He showed me my desk. It was a weird feeling having my personal desk. I never imagined myself for company job it's a new feeling. Everything was new. But life would be boring if there are no challenges right.

I opened my mail and start reading the report. It took me two and half hour to complete the reports and made my corrections and revert it to Mr. Hudson. It's rude to do corrections on your superior's work on your first day and I'm very sure nobody knows about my actual qualification here but I need to do my best. If I'm going to work here I need to be loyal and give my hundred percent to company benefits.

Till I was done it was already lunchtime. I opened my lunch and ate it with my coffee. When I was throwing the disposal cup on bin my door opened and Mr. Hudson came inside.

I was sweating, feeling nervous, I don't know how he will take my suggestion to. Is he going to fire me from a very first day of job, or he will carry a huge grudge in future for my current behavior? Because that's bosses do right. They don't take bruises in their male ego in a healthy way. He sat on a chair opposite me and ask with a plain face.

“Why do you think there will be no novelty in this product and it will not have that much effective impact globally?”

I clear my throat because I was unable to find my voice “I searched some new paper on that chemical and found out that it's already reported in many journals so definitely it has been trialed before but still not reported in any paper as a good product. So definitely there's somewhere some drawback should be there in this product's manufacturing and to my experience market is only open for that who can take their claim for longer period” I completed my sentence in one take with a hoarse voice.

He stared at me for some time and then a genuine smile spread forms his lips. “Exactly I also came up with the same conclusion. I wasn't expecting you to be this much expert and sharp. You really surprised me. Welcome to the company it will be really pleasured to work with you. Tomorrow be ready for the next report”

He winked at me and left my desk with smile. I relaxed finally the first day was over without many hurdles. I was really happy and I was definit.

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