Chapter 18

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A few weeks later

Well things sure did change for the Teens, for starters, they got ground for two weeks(except for Riley and Nya) they could only go to School and straight home. Sure the teens only agreed to hide their powers from the rest of the people, but that was only because the teens were to afraid to use their powers in the open, they were afraid of getting taken agin, but their weren't gonna pretend to be someone their weren't. Drunk or not their parents were furious at them for exposing their mutant powers, and not allowing their children to be their true mutant selves.

In the morning the BFS got dressed and walked to school. When they arrived at school the other students began to back away from them, some even started to whisper about them.

"It's them"

"Can't believe their mutants"

"It's the mutants"


The students continued to whisper about them but the BFS didn't give a crap. They stood all tall and proud and walked inside the school.

At their lockers they grabbed their school supplies. Other students that were in the hallway stayed away from them or whispered about them.

Just then the Bella rang. "Well I guess we'll see you boys at lunch." Nya as she, Zephyr, Chance and Jira all walked away from Riley,Quill,and Harley,who waved as they walked to class.

In World History class with Ms. Lopez was teaching. Jira,Chance,Nya,and Zephyr. Chance was drawing in her sketch book,Jira was using her history book as a cover to read one of her favorite comics. Zephyr had her headphones listening to music, as she was on her phone.

Ms.Lopez was writing something on the white board. "Jira" She called putting as Jira immediately looked up,making her friends look up as well. "Please fill in the blank of this history problem." Ms.Lopez held the marker. Jira got up and walked up to the class and solved the history problem. She walked about to her seat when someone put their foot out and tripped her up, "Careful Fire girl." A girl with blond hair said as he and her friends laughed.

Nya helped Jira off the floor as Zephyr soon snarled her fangs at the blond hair girl making the Blond girl look a bit scared.

In Biology class with the boys, Quill was on his phone reading a message from his mom saying to pick his sister up from school, Harley was fiddling with his bracelet, and Riley just had his head on his desk barley paying any attention to Mr.Scott, who was teaching the class about animal and plant cells.

"Harley, please come up and name this cell" Ms.Scoot told him.

Harley nodded and stood up from his desk and went to a name to cell of the plant cell. After writing the name on the white board, He walked about to his seat but some boy stood up and bumped into him very hard as Harley fell to the ground as some kids laughed.

Harley glared at the boy as his eyes glowed electric blue and conjure up a blue and yellow electricity ball in his fist, Riley stood up went over to the angry mutant, quickly grabbed his hand before he could throw the electric ball or whatever he was planning on doing. He looked into Harley's eyes and spoke in an language only Mutants can understand and basically saying "Harley, heal."

The other students just heard gibberish words, But Harley's electric ball faded away as his eyes stopped glowing and went to it regular color. Harley then took a deep breath and went back to his seat.

After the second period of class it was time for lunch,the BFS were eating together at their table talking and laughing. Just then some boy threw a empty juice box At Harley's head,The teens turned around with glares but the other students looked innocent and talking to their own friends.

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