20 | Fortune Teller

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Thank you to the amazing @brxanna_rp for this poster - with a photo you took yourself!  And thank you to the many raccoon memes you send me on Instagram, they're hilarious!

Chapter 20: Fortune Teller

It's turtleneck season.

My favorite kind.

I was sitting in the library and happily ordering an olive-green turtleneck online. 

$10 including shipping. If it came in a couple days, I could even wear it to the lake house this weekend.

I was excited about the Dawson's lake house. I've never been invited somewhere like this before. I was imagining a cozy cabin in the woods, like something Goldilocks would visit.

Would Luke and I share a bed?

As for Jake, who was he bringing? I hope she, he or they were nice.

I glanced down at my English textbook. Studying for the SAT English test was not going well. I don't even know why I signed up for this. 


Bianca was standing in front of me, with one hand on my laptop, closing it.

I sat back, removing my hands from the keyboard just in time.

Her other hand was on her hip. She was wearing a tight white shirt and dark purple leggings. She rarely acknowledges my presence, so I wondered what had happened now.

"Millie, Millie, Millie," Bianca sighed, tapping her manicured nails on the metallic surface of my laptop.

"You know you can say my name once and I'll know you're talking to me, right?" I pointed out.

"No need to get b*tchy. You're just a junior, you know that?"

"Am I? My dementia really gets me sometimes," I answered sarcastically.

"Just a junior," she repeated, "You've never shown up to his games before. You weren't voted hottest new freshman or the girl with the most valentines."

"No," I answered, "But none of those things should define a girl anyway. I hope you-"

"Don't give me any of that self-righteous bullsh-"

"We're in a library," I interrupted, pulling the laptop from under her grip, "Best to keep the cursing to a low volume."

I started to pack up. I've never seen Bianca this boldly confrontational with me before and I didn't like it.

"You're a nerd. You're a nobody. And I don't know what you're giving him, but he'll turn away from you soon," she told me.

She didn't say his name, but I didn't need three guesses to figure out who she was talking about. 

It's always about him.

"Mark my words," Bianca continued like a fortune teller, "Luke Dawson knows many girls. His interest switches from one to another. But you know who his one constant has been?"

Let me guess...

"Me," she said.


I washed my hands in the girl's bathroom. The walls had graffiti on them, and the mirrors weren't so shiny anymore. If only I could wash my memory in the same way.

You're a nobody, Bianca had said to me.

How many times must I hear that before it really sinks in?  I'm a somebody. 

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