Killer In The Backseat

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There's a road that gets foggy all the time going out my town. So that's where everyone says it happened.

A girl was driving along the road late at night in the 80's. It was dark and foggy. Her car suddenly shut off so she had to pull over and check out the engine. After she'd fixed it, she got back into the car and started to drive again.

As she pulled out into the road, a large truck started flashing its lights at her. The girl kept looking in her rear view mirror, scared that the driver wanted her to stop so he could attack her. She didn't stop. She drove all the way home, with the truck following her the whole way, flashing the whole time. She didn't get out the car and honked the horn to get her father to wake up and come outside. The truck pulled into the driveway behind her as the dad came outside:

'What's going on?' he said.

The daughter got out her car, pointing at the truck:

'This man's followed me all the way home from the marsh and he won't stop flashing his lights at me'.

The driver got out the car, yelling, 'Get out of the way! I saw somebody get into the back of your car when you broke down. He's hiding there, I flashed you every time I saw him raise his axe'.

He ripped open the girl's car door and jumped on the man hiding there.

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