Summer Sun

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Two weeks left of school and then you were practically free. Your dad worked twice as much over the summer, which meant he was barely ever at the house. The real trick was guessing when he was going to be back at the house so you didn't get in trouble. Other than that, you were a free bird.

Although you would be spending a large portion of your summer working, you were excited for all the free time you had because, for once in your life, you had someone to spend that free time it with.

You barely got to see JJ after that night at the party. You saw him driving Kid to school or coming back from work, but all you could do then was wave and pass knowing smiles off to each other. He, thankfully, didn't even stop by your house at all. Still, your heart ached for him and both Kid and your dad could tell that something was off.

"That's the third time you've sighed this evening, Elma. Are you alright?" Your dad asked. You looked up from your untouched bowl of mashed potatoes.

"Yeah, Dad," you said. "Finals are just stressing me out, is all."

It was an easy lie to sell. They were stressing you out, of course, but you had plenty of other reasons to be sighing. The dreams you had about JJ were getting absolutely out of hand. Kid had to ask you what you were doing taking cold showers at three in the morning. You had no easy way of explaining it. You wondered if JJ thought of you, too. You hoped he had been.

Kid knew more than your dad did, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he just spent the hours after school watching you carefully, eyeing your vacant eyes and mindless smiles. He didn't want to say anything for fear that if he did, the magic that surrounded you would fade. He had always wanted to see you happy like you were now. Part of him understood that you sacrificed that happiness for him. He was glad to see that you were finally taking your happiness into consideration.

The Friday before summer break, you were working on your last final, but your mind simply wouldn't focus. All you had to do was finish the 10-page paper and then you were free. Or as free as you could be. Still, your brain wouldn't focus. You could only think about everything you wanted to do this summer.

A familiar knock came to the window.

You tossed your computer to the side in an instant, running to the window. JJ stood outside, grinning up at you. You stood in front of the window, smiling back. He wrapped his knuckles against the glass again, reminding you that he still needed to be let in.

"What's the password?" You asked.

"Huh?" His voice was distorted through the glass.

"Password!" You said slowly. JJ rolled his eyes.

You saw his lips move, making a word, but you weren't sure what he said. Cupping your ear toward the window, you beckoned for him to repeat what he said.


With a smile, you opened the window but leaned against the sill so that he couldn't climb inside.

"Are you going to let me in?" He asked, putting his hands around your wrists. You shrugged, lingering where you were.

"What are you doing here?" You asked him, still smiling.

"Left my last day of school early to come see you."

"I've got an essay to write."

"I won't be distracting."

You rolled your eyes.

"Of course not," you said. "When have you ever been distracting before in your life?"

JJ leaned forward and gave you a quick peck on the lips, startling you enough that he could squeeze past you into your room.

"What is your essay about?" JJ asked, throwing himself into one of your chairs. You crawled back onto your bed, pulling your computer back onto your lap.

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