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Next day Selena and George went to bring some groceries and stuff. They left Jack with us. Jack is really adorable. He has George's grey eyes. "Ma-ma" he blabbed and I chuckled picking him up. He only knows two words Ma-ma and Da-da. Every female is his Ma-ma and male is his da-da.

Cam and I played with him. There was a knock on the door. Cam was in the kitchen making milk for Jack. I went to open the door with Jack in my arms. He was playing with my hairs. "Yes?" I asked to a man who had a box in his hand. "Ma-ma" Jack nudged my neck and I laughed. "Anna Winston?" He asked and I nodded. "Sorry for the delay." He handed me the box. "Cam can you come here!" I exclaimed and Cam came to us. "Hold him for a minute." I gave Jack to him. "Da-da" Jack patted his face. Cam held him and looked at me.

I took the box and signed for it. The man scanned us for a minute then left. "Who is this from?" Cam asked as I closed the door. "Richard maybe." I replied opening the box. There was a note 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' I smiled and looked inside. "Chocolates and LED keychains?" Cam asked and I nodded. The LED keychains had my photos on them. "21 LED." I smiled. I was 21 this year. "Gimme some chocolate." Cam took the box. I snatched it from him and ran upstairs. "So mean!" He exclaimed coming behind me. I laughed as he laid Jack on my bed. "Come on. Chocolates!" He came towards me and I ducked. "Hey!" He exclaimed and I laughed. I opened the box running away from him.

I ate one. "Umm so tasty!" I spoke and he growled. Cam loved chocolates and I loved to tease him. "That's enough An!" He came to me and caught me this time. "Okay okay!" I handed him the box and he ate the chocolate. "Keep some for George and Selena!" I exclaimed pulling the box away from him. He frowned and laid beside Jack. "She is so mean to me." He fake sobbed. "You ate 3 okay!" I smacked his butt with the box. "Yes ma'am." He grinned and I shook my head grinning. I walked down and kept the chocolates in the fridge. I carried the LED keychains to my room.

We hanged it together around my room. Then we fell asleep besides Jack.


The next day I asked a spy to deliver her gifts. He came back after delivering it. "Alpha it seems like she has a son." He spoke and we both growled. "How is that possible!" Nick growled. "I don't know Alpha she had a baby boy. He was calling her Mom and the guy Dad." He replied. I picked the table and threw it. She has a child with another guy? How can she do this to us? Nick stormed off upstairs. "Find out of he really is her son." I ordered and he nodded then left.


I was so angry. I saw across my window and saw my mate and the guy laughing and playing. I noticed the baby on the bed. Did she really have a baby with another guy? I threw around all the things in my room. Hannah came in. "What happened Nick?" She held my hand which I slapped away. I held her by her neck and pinned her to the wall. "It's all because of you and your father!" I choked her. She tried to get away but failed. "Nick!" Chris came and pulled me away. "It's all because of her!" I exclaimed showing my canines. She was shivering.

"I'm going to her." I spoke and went outside. I walked to her house and knocked. Chris came running behind me.


There was a knock on the door before I could sleep. Cam was asleep so I went down and opened the door. My eyes widened as I saw an angry Nicholas. He was breathing hard but calmed down as soon as he saw me. "Nick!" I saw Chris behind him. "Anna." He whispered and a tear left my eye. "Anna?" I heard Cam coming down. "Who are they?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

Nicholas growled and punched Cam on the face. "What the hell!" Cam exclaimed falling to the ground. I quickly squatted down near him. "Stop!" I shouted at Nicholas who was gonna hit him again. "Are you alright?" I asked Cam who nodded. "Did you really marry this loser?" He growled looking at the ring that Chris had given me. "What?" I exclaimed confused.

"Did he mark you?" He pulled me up and scanned my neck. I pulled away from him. "What are you talking about?" I asked. We heard Jack crying. "I'll see." Cam got up and walked upstairs. "Tell me that baby isn't yours." Nicholas spoke. "What! No! That is Cam's Nephew." I replied. He seemed relieved. He pulled me into his arms. I felt my wolf jump in excitement. Their were lots of sparks that came to life. He sniffed my neck. His scent seems to change. He smelled minty.

I slowly pulled back. I turned to Chris who watched us patiently. I ran to him and hugged him. He hugged me back tightly. "I missed you so much!" He whispered in my ears. "Me too!" I sobbed holding onto him tightly. He smelled earthly. I pulled back softly. "What are you two doing here?" I asked. "We came for you." Nicholas took my hand and kissed my palm. Butterflies lit up and danced.

They explained everything to me and I was really grateful. I laughed when they told me that the spy thought Jack was our child. Cam came down with Jack. I took him from him and handed him to Chris. "Da-da" Jack pulled his hairs. "He calls everyone that." I grinned and they sighed. "I was really angry." Nicholas sighed. "Hi. I'm Cameron Miller." Cam smiled. "Christopher Hoult." Chris shook his hand. "Nicholas." Nicholas shook his hand. "Aren't you supposed to apologize for hitting me?" Cam asked. "You deserved it for being that close to our mate." He replied. "That's rude." I patted his bicep and he smiled at me. "Fine I'm sorry." Nicholas spoke. Cam smiled and nodded.

"So what about Hannah?" I asked. "Me?" We turned to Hannah who had a gun in her hand. "Well I'll become their Luna as soon as you are dead." She smriked before pulling the trigger. I felt the bullet hit my chest. Silver. Suddenly everything went dark and I fell into someone's arm.

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