"You could of saved them!"

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No one POV:
"INK GET UP!" Said skeleton groaned and rolled out of bed. He sat up and stared at the ceiling. Footsteps could be heard coming towards his room but he didn't move. The door opened.
"Ink?" It was dream, the protector of hopes and dreams.
"What is it?" He moved his head so he was facing dream. He had bags under his eyes despite having slept.
"It's time for you to check on the aus! Hurry up!"His voice sounded annoyed but with that Dream walked out and slammed the door shut leaving Ink on the ground.

Ink stood up and walked over to his closet and got changed into his usual outfit.(the new design) Ink sat down at his desk and took his vials out of their holders. He grabbed a cup that was on his desk and poured a small amount of each vial into the cup. Ink placed the vials back in their holders. He brought the cup up the his mouth and chugged it.

He gagged when he finished and slammed the cup back onto the desk. The artist blinked a few times feeling the vials starting to kick in. He stood back up and grabbed his paintbrush that was almost the size of him. Ink opened a portal with the brush and jumped through.

The portal lead to Outertale. He wanted to relax for a while. Ink walked over to the cliff and looked down.
"If I jump would anyone miss me?" He mumbled that question to himself. He didn't realise how long he had been staring into the abyss until he felt a sharp pain in his skull. Ink fell to the ground holding his head in one hand as he held back a scream.

A few moments later the pain subsided a small bit and he stood up. Ink sighed as he opened a portal to flowerfell. He really couldn't be bothered to deal with this right now.
"Can't I just live a day in peace?"
He stepped into the portal and when he was on the other side he was in flowerfells snowdin . Flowerfell was almost completely destroyed which he wasn't surprised from. Trees were on fire, houses were crushed.
He walked into the town and he could see those same blue strings which he hated so much.
"Error just...why" Ink went searching for error and he found him by the libraby.
"wElL wElL wElL lOoK wHo fInAlLy dEcIdEd tO sHoW uP!" Errors glitched voice echoed. He had a monster childs soul wrapped in his string about to be crushed.
"Leave this au alone error!" Inks voice sounded tired.

Error looked at him with an amused look on his face.
"AnD wHy sHoUlD i?"
Error froze , he looked shocked from inks sudden outburst.
"HoW aBoUt... nO"Error clenched his hand into a fist and the child instantly turned to dust.

The protector and destroyer started to fight right after that with ink slashing error with some of the red paint. Error stumbled back as it burned through his jacket. He hissed in pain but then shot his strings toward ink who dogged them with ease.


About 20 minutes later the battle had stopped. The two of them were beaten up pretty badly. Ink couldn't really be bothered by the pain.

Error had left flowerfell by now and ink went to check for any survivors. He found a few but they all looked at him with  anger and hatred. A monster came stomping up to his and was right in his face while she shouted at him.
The monster continued screaming at ink about how he could've done more . Ink just turned around and opened another portal back to his room. He jumped through quickly and fell face first onto the bed.

He stayed like that for 30 minutes before he got up. Ink left his brush against the wall then he opened his bedroom door.

He stumbled down the hallway passing both dream and blues rooms. It took him a while to reach the stairs because of his injuries but when he finally got to them he heard whispers.

"He failed to save another one?! It was dream.
"He's practically useless now! He can't protect a single au!!"

Ink was shocked. He hadn't realised he was in the doorframe of the living room.
"D-dream?" Ink froze when dream came over to him hatred was what ink could sense off the usual happy friendly dream.

Dream was infront of ink,hand raised. Ink knew what dream was about to do and he squeezed his eyes shut and as expected Dream smacked him across the face. Ink fell to the ground.

"Ink you're useless! Dreams voice was cold. "Cant protect a single au... tch" Dream walked away leaving ink on the ground.

Dream yelled for Blue to follow him and he did just that not even sparing a glance at ink.

Ink got up about two minutes later and slowly made his way back to his bedroom. His face still stung from where dream slapped him.

He opened his bedroom door and closed it behind him. The room was dark so ink turned on the lights and then made his way to his desk. He took out a sketchbook and a pencil and started to draw.

He subconsciously drew error sleeping with his mouth slightly open. The picture was very detailed and when he noticed what he drew Ink blushed a bright rainbow. He quickly closed the sketchbook and stood up again.

He walked back over to his closet and changed into a pair of pjs. He didn't even bother healing his wounds. He flopped onto his bed and slowly fell into a restless sleep.

Hope you enjoyed this first

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