Chapter Forty

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The three weeks after Carter and Johnny's reunion, on the first weekend of the year, flew past them in a blur.

A happy, blissful blur, but a blur nonetheless. Before anyone could so much as blink, it was the last Friday of January and Johnny was dropping Carter off at home, after they had spent the time after school together.

When Carter walked into his room, he immediately spotted Seth's black duffel bag. He'd been spending quite a few nights with them, just as he used to do when Carter lived alone with his mom in a much smaller apartment. Thanks to that, Seth had also been missing a lot less classes this semester.

Since his best friend wasn't in his room though, and he hadn't seen him downstairs either, Carter knocked on Bella's door and pushed inside. Seth sat at Bella's desk, which was piled up with random papers and books on one half, and completely cleared out for a pristine Olympus and a single Polaroid on the other. 

Jack and Bella sat together on Bella's bed.

"Didn't know you were coming home this weekend," Carter said as he saw his stepbrother.

Jack flashed him the friendly, handsome Santoro smile. "Spurt of the moment decision."

"As always," Bella retorted.

Seth's eyes lit up with a smile at that and Carter's lips betrayed a little smile of his own.

The four of them came down for dinner a few minutes later. It was Tony's night off at the Ristorante, so he was joining them for the meal he'd made himself. With him and the two extra seats for Seth and Jack, it was a little crowded, but Carter was slowly caring less and less about that.

"I'm confused," Frankie declared, after everyone was served.

"What else is new," Bella shot back dryly.

Frankie narrowed his eyes at her. "I mean, is Seth your boyfriend now? Because we've all seen you two suck-face already, but is this more of a fling or is it serious?"

Tony facepalmed. "Frank..."

Frankie scoffed. "You should care too, old man. This is your only daughter. You should be interested in who deflowers her." He yelped loudly as Bella kicked him under the table. "And you should be concerned for your safety." He pointed at Seth, rubbing his shin. "She solves all her problems with violence."

"I think Frank's got a point," Luca said.

"That doesn't really weight much in his favor though," Mike chimed in.

Jack snorted, just as he was taking a sip of his water, next to Carter.

"Seriously, hear me out," Luca spoke again. "This is the old man's only chance at a boyfriend speech, right? 'Cause he never gives those to Jack's guys."

Jack raised his eyebrows, as though he didn't think that scenario would favor anyone at all, and Carter laughed.

"If you give Seth a speech, I'll move out," Bella announced.

"And go where?" Frankie asked.


"Can I go too?" Little Charlie asked to Jack's other side.

"No, you're staying," Carter's mom, who usually remained a mere amused spectator at dinner time banter, said.

"I don't need to give Seth a boyfriend speech," Tony intervened calmly. "I trust my children to handle their relationships responsibly."

"Also, he got Richie and Jack to do it for him," Mike added in an even tone, before sipping his water.

Bella's eyes widened. "What?" She exclaimed. Across the table, Seth pursed his lips tightly looking down, surprising Carter.

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