Chapter 2

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A LOT of hours later~

The gang had traveled for quite a few miles now and were nearing their destination. They were all becoming very exhausted... Particularly the Akids. 

"Are we there yet?" Brock asked, in a bit of a tired tone. "I'm starving" 

"Well, you wouldn't be starving if Miss fancy pants over here hadn't eaten all our food" Terk scoffed, referring to Cynthia. 

"Hey! It's called stress-eating!" Cynthia defended herself before beginning to freak out a little. "And for your information this is a very stressful situation"

The fashionista then sighed. "Honestly I don't get how some people can even stand living out here?!" 

The rest of the Akids all suddenly cleared their throats getting their circumspect friend's attention before gesturing over at Tarzan and Jane. 

"Oh..." Cynthia now realized and looked pretty embarrassed now with her face turning red. "Sorry" 

Tantor too had to agree with Cynthia about the dangers out here, but that was only because he was tired from walking all day while carrying everyone and he was starting to become a little loopy. 

"Oh, it's so creepy out here. We're all alone, in unknown territory, with all these bugs and germs, and who knows what lurking in the shadows?" The poor elephant started becoming edgy. "What kind of animal would be crazy enough to live out here in the jungle?!"

"Tantor, you're an animal, and you live out here in the jungle" The twins reminded the elephant. 

"Yeah, but I've never been this far from the valley before" Tantor replied. 

Just then, the gang heard a low growling sound. Tantor freaked out, looking around frantically in every direction. 

"AHHH! WHAT WAS THAT!?" He asked fearfully. 

Everyone then heard the low growling sound again and all turned towards Ann, revealing that it was her stomach growling. 

"Sorry, that was just my stomach" The young adventure girl replied. "I guess I'm a little hungry"

"Yeah, I'm starved too" Terk admitted. 

The rest of the gang all soon had to agree on this as well. They soon came out into a clearing and stopped for a brief moment. 

"Maybe we should stop and rest for a bet" Kali suggested. 

"We're nearing the east river, which means we still have a couple miles to go. We must keep moving" Tarzan said, desperately wanting to find George as quick as possible so he could talk to him about making peace between the gorilla troops. 

"Tarzan, we haven't stopped walking since we started in the last chapter. We need a break" David said, before telling the ape man himself. "You need a break"

Tarzan looked at his friends and sighed in defeat. It's true, everyone did look pretty pooped. 

Cynthia breathlessly spoke out. "Why did we come all the way out here unprepared?" 

"All part of the fun, I say" Kali smirked. 

"Shouldn't we stop and ask for directions?" Teeders asked the gang. 

"Who could we possibly ask for the directions in the middle of nowhere?!" Cynthia said sarcastically. 

"Um... Them?" Ann said, pointing to something. 

Everyone looked to see what Ann was pointing at where they spotted a couple people and a camp set up nearby. 

Cynthia gave a deadpanned look into the fourth wall. "How convenient..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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