It's Break Time!

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After the long fight in the Asia district prelims, Inazuma Japan finally gets some rest after all of the tiring matches they played. The players are at the briefing room when Hakuryuu called them. When he told them a news, they all stunt.

Tsukasa: Wh-What did you just say, Coach?

Isamu: We didn't hear it clearly...

Hakuryuu: You all deserve some break. After all, all of you have been playing your best until almost breaked your own body. Go ahead and have some free times.

They all look at each other and cheering for the news.

IJ Players: Hooray!

Kiba: Rest is what we all really need right now!

Nanae: This is the best prive for winning the finals!

Homura: We get see everyone back!

Hakuryuu: However...

They all went quiet and sit back as they all look at Hakuryuu.

Hakuryuu: Don't forget that the FFI Vision 3 main tournament is held in one month. Use this few days to have some break before continue with the practice to prepare for the main tournament.

IJ Players: Yes, sir!

Kariya: I and Coach has agreed that we should have reserve players. While you guys are resting, we'll be looking at the data of the players that we think will be fit to play in this team.

Isamu: Reserve players, huh?

Kai: Just make sure they didn't take our spotlight. We're the main players after all.

Haruki: *sweatdrop* Hey, at least give them some chance to play...

Hakuryuu: That's all for today. Go home and greet back with your family. *smile* Make sure take while having the day off.

IJ Players: Yes, sir! Thank you very much, Coach Hakuryuu, Trainer Kariya!

Kariya: Ohoho. I get praised as well, you guys are very good.

Kaminari: Finally, we're done. Can we go now?

They all went back to the dorm and packing their stuff as they go home and meet with everyone.

(Time Skip)

At Raimon Jr. High...

Everyone is practicing at the soccer field like always. Yuuya and Higashi also went back to Raimon. Tenma and Shinsuke are watching them practicing. Yuuya are trying to keep the ball but Shinji keep trying to steal it.

Shinji: You won't past that easy!

Yuuya: Who said I'm charging! *kick the ball* Ushio!

Ushio: R-Right!

He run ahead to get the ball but Yuuya kick it too hard until it went away.

Ushio: Yuuya-san, you kick too hard!

As the ball reach the upper area, someone jumped and kick the ball toward but Ren quickly jumped and grab the ball as he landed.

Ren: Who's there?!

As they came, it shows Kaminari, Suiryuu, Homura and the managers making them suprised.

Kaminari: Yo.

Homura: Heyo, guys!

Suiryuu: It's been awhile, right?

Riko/Asuka: We're back as well!

Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no Soccer Damashi Where stories live. Discover now