𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 (𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐛𝐨𝐲?)

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𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕

"Class today we a new student to day would you like to introduce yourself" I heard the teacher say which made me raise my head.

As I raised it I saw this chocolate fine ass nigga we made eye contact until he mugged me

"The fuck" I mumbled

"Seems like he dont like you" a girl in the corner said causing her and her bomb ass squad to laugh

"Bitch please I gotta nigga and turns out you just sucking every other" I said and the boy behind me chuckled

"Who Quan" she said smirking

"Get the fuck- DONT START " The teacher interrupted me

"Please sit down sir" she said and started back talking while I just stared at the new boy.

I guess he could feel me staring cuz he turned around and mugged me hard asl

"Get the fuck out my face" he said and I looked at him like he was stupid.

Do he know I will fuck him up. I sat their just thinking did he just try to tell me what to do.

"Yeah no you got me fucked up" I said mugging him

"You must be one of them hot cheetos girls well I fight girls to ma'am" he said mugging me

"Am I interrupting yall" the teacher said before i could say something

"No" I said and put my headphones in my ear pressing shuffle on my playlist since she just pissed me off

She was passing out a packet and I just decided to get started since this was the last class of the day.

After 50 minutes of doing the work it was time to go home I grabbed all my stuff and headed out.

I went to my locker and fine ass new boy camed and bumped into the mexican girl

"Oh my im sorry me no speak english" she said stuttering and shit

"Me dont talk to no mexicanos sorry" he said and she grabbed ha bookbag and stormed off

"voy a buscar a mi hermano" she said with tears forming in her eyes

"Fuck she just say and stop looking at me" he said jumping causing me to look around

"Ahh you scared me" I said being sarcastic fake jumping

"Bitches at this school I tell you" he tried to mumble walking off

"Bitch dont call me a bitch" I said back.

"Who is you" he said mugging me

"Who are you" I said back mugging him and he just turned around waving me off

I grabbed my bookbag and headed to the parking lot to get in my car.

It was a car that was too close to my passenger side which made it hard for me to get in.

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