Chapter 9 - Hot coco

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"This night was lovely," you open the hotel door and nod in agreement with the demon. "I'd love to do it again sometime,"

"That would be nice," you give a soft smile and kiss the demon on the lips. "Thank you again," closing the door once he said goodbye you collapse on the ground.

"Bad?" Charlie says from the couch.

"He kept talking about himself the entire time!" Groaning you pick yourself back up. "Look, I love a guy who's slightly egotistical because who isn't in hell, but you know what the one thing I was able to say was?"


"THE NAME OF THE PERFUME IM WEARING!" Burying you head in your hands you look up. "And I had to pay for dinner because he forgot his wallet!"

"Ouch," Angel pats your back. "Chin up, babes, you will find a guy soon,"

"Press x to doubt," you grumble.

"Don't know what that means but yes,"

"Is there no god?!" You fall into Angels arms.

"Evidently not," Alastor walks into the lobby with his usual smile.

"But why did you kiss him?" Vaggie continues to play with Charlie's hair as Alastors eye twitches.

"Needed to see how much dopamine I could get," you stand back up and brush off your dress.


"A neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger of sorts," Angel looks utterly confused as you chuckle. "Dopamine is just something that's released when you feel pleasure,"

"Y/n, you could have just said that,"

"Yeah but your confused face is hilarious," you pick up your purse and walk to the elevator. "Nifty!" The small demon comes out the door quickly. "Can you see if there's hot chocolate? It's time to wallow and cry,"

"Sure!" The redhead scurries off as you enter the elevator.


Once in comfortable clothing you hear a knock at the door. Figuring it must be nifty with your drink you smile. "I was actually going to go downstairs to-" when you opened the door you looked down to see a pair of dark red trousers. Slowly looking up you see Alastor with a cup of said drink in hand. "Al?"

"Hello, my dear, here you go," he hands over the drink. "I am guessing you expected Nifty?"

"Would you be offended if I said yes?"

"Haha, maybe," you grin and take a sip of the hot chocolate.

"Would you like to come in?" He seems to contemplate the offer before shaking his head.

"No thank you my dear, you must be getting to bed!" Smiling, you nod. "Goodnight, Y/n,"

"Goodnight, Al," you closed the door and sat on your bed, sipping at the drink until it was finished. Brushing your teeth and turning off the bathroom lights you switch off your bedroom lights before getting under the covers of your soft bed.


"So this is how I die?" You grumble to yourself as you dash down the alley. Why were you running down an alley? You had just left your shift at the bar and ran into some creeps. Slamming into one of the creeps you groan.

"You ain't getting away that easy, missy," as fear crawls into your mind you kick the man in the shin and run past him. "Bitch!" His friend catches up as you reach the end of an alley. Your breathing quickens as you rummage through your purse for your phone. Dialling the police the bigger man snatched your phone and tosses it away.

"Give us a little sugar," he growls. Your hands trembled as you backed up against the wall, you see a gun in his pocket. Seeing it as the only solution you grab it and point it at the man as his friend raises his hands. "Feisty,"

"S-stay back," cocking the gun you point it at his chest making him grin.

"No thanks..." he walks up closer, your heart race picks up its pace as your finger hovers over the trigger. As he reaches for your shirt you close your eyes and pull the trigger, the loud bang making you jump.

"You whore!" The other man takes out his gun and shoots you in the stomach as he checks on his friend. Clutching your stomach you fall to the ground as blood oozes out, shock numbed the feeling as tears trickled down your face.

"N-no please, I don't want to go-" your breathing hitches as the man stands up and growls.

"You killed him!" He raises his gun at your forehead. "You're dead," the last thing you heard was a loud bang.


You feel your shoulder being shaken, snapping open your eyes you adjust to the darkness. "Y/n, are you alright?" Crimson eyes stare down at you with slight worry.

"Al?" You sit up as the Radio demon sighs in relief. "What are you doing in my room?"

"You were causing quite the commotion," looking at the tossed around sheets you remember the dream.

"Oh, sorry," straightening out the blanket you lay back.

"That's alright... are you alright?"

"Uh... yeah, yeah I'm ok, thanks for asking," he gives you a nod and smile.

"Well, I hope you rest up well," he walks to the door and opens it. "Goodnight,"

"Goodnight, Al," the door closes. When it does you stare up at the ceiling before moving your gaze to the dark red night sky. Looking under the sheets you stare at your stomach, scenes of your bloodied guts flashing. "Wonderful imagery," cozying up to your pillow you shut your eyes trying to fall back asleep which, after an hour, happened.


I can't tell you how much I ❤️ u

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I can't tell you how much I ❤️ u

- Anna ❤️

Radio Love: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now