Chapter 1: Internet Friends

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[Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010 - 1:32 AM]

Haz: Niall?

Tommo: afraid not, mate

Haz: Oops.

Tommo: hi

Haz: Sorry, you go first.

Tommo: so

Tommo: what brings you to the wonderful world of social media?

Haz: Me and my friend Niall are trying to find each other.

Tommo: oh boy

Tommo: i'll leave you lads to it then

Haz: Wait, no.

Haz: Don't go.

Haz: You seem nice.

Tommo: how have you come to that conclusion based off of five texts?

Tommo: i could be an axe murderer for all you know

Haz: But there's a large chance that you aren't.

Tommo: you can't confirm otherwise

Haz: I suppose you're right.

Tommo: How old are you anyways, lad?

Haz: Well, now I'm leaning more towards pedophile than axe murderer.

Tommo: nice one

Haz: I'm 16.

Tommo: you're a baby, who let you on the internet?

Haz: I'm old enough!

Tommo: yeah right, are you even potty trained yet?

Haz: Obviously.

Tommo: oBviOUsLy

Haz: Oh real mature.

Haz: You can't even type properly.

Tommo: that is NOT true

Tommo: i'm just cooler than you cause i have more experience

Haz: How old are you then, elder one?

Tommo: old enough to use the internet, that's for sure

Haz: You're being so cryptic, I feel like I should probably fear you.

Tommo: you should

Haz: What's your name?

Tommo: whoa whoa whoa

Tommo: slow down there, mate

Tommo: trying to get into me pants already now, are we?

Haz: NO!

Haz: That's not what I meant at all.

Haz: I was thinking we could be friends or something.

Haz: Internet friends?

Tommo is typing...

Tommo is TypingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora