Chapter 33: Video Chat

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[Tuesday, June 15th, 2010 - 1:46 AM]

Tommo: haz

Tommo: haaz

Tommo: haaaz

Tommo: i'm bored

Haz: Hello Bored, I'm Harry.

Tommo: did you really just pull a dad joke on me?

Haz: No, I'm not a parent. How could I?

Tommo: and there's a second one, good god

Tommo: i don't like that you're on a roll here, i'm scared

Haz: I thought you were bored, but okay.

Haz: Hi Scared, I'm Harry.

Tommo: i hate this

Haz: What did This do to deserve your hatred?

Tommo: they're getting worse as you go on

Haz: Fine, I'll stop.

Haz: Though, considering that I've never told you a dad joke before, I reckon you've gotten off easily.

Tommo: oh, poor niall. he's had to take the brute of them, hasn't he?

Haz: He's my failed jokes outlet.

Tommo: no one should have to suffer through that

Haz: Hey! They're not that bad!

Tommo: ...

Haz: Okay, maybe they're a little cheesy.

Tommo: a little?

Haz: Alright, they're margarita pizza with double cheese cheesy.

Tommo: that sounds about right

Tommo: are you busy?

Haz: No, not that I'm aware of.

Tommo: why would you not be aware, that makes no sense

Haz: That's how the phrase goes, don't be uncultured.

Tommo: i'll have you know i'm incredibly cultured, and am, quite frankly, offended by your accusation

Haz: Using big words in one text won't make you appear smarter to me.

Tommo: well, it makes me seem smarter to me, so that's good enough

Haz: Is that how that works then?

Tommo: duh

Tommo: anyways

Tommo: i wanna hear your voice

Haz: How so?

Tommo: can i call you?

Haz: No.

Tommo: no-

Tommo: hazza, i don't wanna play another game of cat and mouse

Tommo: i know you find it entertaining, but i think i've run out of witty for the night

Haz: Good god, you've what?

Haz: You've run out of sass?

Haz: What next, you're gonna tell me you've grown?

Tommo: what did i tell you about them height jokes?

Haz: That's it, the world's gonna end.

Haz: I guess it was nice while it lasted.

Tommo: that's a piss poor attempt at changing the subject, hazza

Tommo: what's wrong?

Haz: I just don't know if that's a good idea.

Tommo: explain it, i want to understand your thought process

Haz: I don't know exactly why I don't want to do it.

Haz: I'm just a little hesitant, it's a big step in this relationship, or whatever this is.

Haz: It'll be the first time we'll see each other.

Tommo: yes, and?

Tommo: i see nothing wrong with a quick call.

Haz: Lou, I said no.

Tommo: why? it's just a video chat

Haz: I'm uncomfortable, okay?

Haz: I'm not ready to see you yet, why can't you respect that?

Tommo: why are you getting all defensive all of the sudden?

Haz: Because you're pushing me to do something I'm not ready for!

Tommo: i'm not, i just don't think that your reasoning is rational

Haz: Oh, so now you're calling me stupid.

Tommo: i absolutely did not say that

Haz: Well, it really feels like you're implying it.

Tommo: harry, we've been through so much

Tommo: you literally destroyed my feelings in april and now you're making a big deal about this?

Haz: I thought you said we weren't going to talk about that again.

Tommo: i figured now was a better time than ever to rehash that wound

Haz: Classic Louis, always ruining everything.

Haz: That didn't matter anyways, it was a prank.

Tommo: do i mean nothing to you? it absolutely broke me, i had no reason to forgive you, but i did because you forced me to with your constant pestering. god, you just wouldn't shut up and let me forget you

Haz: I didn't make you do anything, I didn't even want to be with you in the first place.

Tommo: what?

Haz: You heard me right.

Haz: Louis, we met through the internet, did you really think that what we had was real? How naive are you?

Haz: How could it have been? We haven't met before.

Tommo: i don't need to see you to know that i love you

Haz: Well, the feeling wasn't mutual.

Haz: I don't think this is going to work anymore.


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