4: Is He Still Alive?

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Colin knew some people were dumb.

What he didn't know is that some people's inability to use their common sense could land them in situations where they could get themselves killed. In Peter's case- arrested- if the cold didn't kill him first.

If it weren't for Colin, the boy would probably be at the police station right now; in a jail cell. Or worse he'd be dead.

But some serious ties must be around the boy's luck. It was the reason why Colin had got to him first, why he had dragged Peter's sobbing and limp form from the park before he could destroy any more public property and ultimately, pass out from the bruises and the harsh cold. Why he had been able to conceal Peter's body long enough for the cop to pass. And why he had single-handedly carried the boy with him to safety after his friends ditched him.


"That was sick," Ruben cheered, giving Colin a high five.

Even though he had risked breaking a leg or an arm to do the Gazelle flip- where he had to do a full backside turn while his skateboard did one and a half spins and a kickflip at the same time- Colin felt proud.

The Gazelle flip was one of the most challenging stunts to pull on a skateboard and it had resulted with him twisting an ankle, breaking an arm, and chipping his tooth the first time he had tried to do it.

Amy had flipped when she had found him confined to a hospital bed that afternoon. She hadn't let him go out for months on end after he was discharged. Worst of all, Amy had also prevented any skateboard from crossing within fifteen feet of Colin.

Andy, an older boy with a buzz-cut and a trim beard, shook a can of spray paint; candy apple red- vigorously as he prepared to finish what he called his masterpiece.

As the aerosol can released the bright coloured paint onto the wall, skateboards also skidded on the half-pipes. The rest of the gang tried out new moves while Colin also picked up a can of gray spray paint.

Kiara, the only female who hung out with the lot, was checking out Colin's board while the four others chattered about Andy's "artwork".

"How much did you get this for?" Kiara asked, placing her foot on the skateboard and rolling it under her weight.


Her green eyes went wide as she stared at him. "Woah, where'd you buy it?" The price was low for a Power Golden skateboard. Far too low.

"Off my sister. Her loaded as shit fiancé got it for her... which was a waste because she's against anything where the word "skateboard" is involved," Colin answered with a muffled voice. Now that he thought about it, Michael had probably bought the expensive skateboard just to taunt Amy.

Colin sprayed two words next to where Andy was working on a mural and stepped back to admire his work.

"Refugees welcome," Josh read the words out loud as he rounded a Chinese nollie. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Colin shrugged, tossing the can to Andy and plopping himself down on one of the benches in the park.

"What was that?" Andy asked suddenly, wiping sweat off his forehead with the sleeve of his jacket. Despite the cold weather, Andy's shirt was soaked at the armpits. He was always hot, always sweating.

All of them looked at him with confused expressions. The only sounds they had heard were of wheels rolling on concrete and Andy's spray can.

All movement seized and the place became quiet.

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