Chapter 6.

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[Dedicated to BigGreader for voting]
Two months later~
Alex's POV:

I had grown close to the ever talkative Tanya, the first friend I ever had. Max has become less shy as well, opening and having regular conversations with me once in a while. Henry has become a father to me, guiding me and helping me get over my emotional scars. There was nothing he could about the physical scars, I'd carry them for the rest of my life. I still don't like people touching me, but I don't cower anymore. I had become more comfortable with human contact. Although I might attack you if you touch me. Don't touch me. I will hurt you.

"Alex! Do you want to go to the creek with me and Max?" Tanya asked. Poor Max, little did she know that he hated getting wet. It was sweet how he put up with it for her, though. I thought it over. "Fine, but I'm not wearing a swimsuit." Tanya huffed. "If we don't get going soon, I'm going to stay here." Tanya was immediately up and running. I followed after her slowly, smiling a ghost of a smile.

When we got out of the creek, all of us were soaking wet. Too bad we didn't own a house yet, Henry was saving up for one. He was the actual father of Max, who left with him when he was kicked out. All thoughts vanished from my head when I heard a loud miserable howl. I felt Max stiffen next to me. Tanya quieted her constant chatter. It sounded like a howl of pain, like of a wolf dying painfully. The howls continued, until they died down. Then a puppy cried out loudly.

I exchanged a look with Max, and immediately ran towards the noise. After I got there, I saw the puppy standing next to a limp body covered in blood. It was in pools near the body. I took a closer look and instantly wished I hadn't. Bile rose in my throat as I looked at the mauled grey wolf. It must've been the pup's mom or dad. I was stuck looking at the horribly destroyed body. I was frozen in horror.

The wolf looked fine from the back, except for it was soaked with blood. The front, however was much worse. There was a pool of blood, and the organs were torn and spilt far apart. Blood welled from the stomach, or more correctly, the missing stomach/belly area. The stomach fur was tossed some feet away, and all that was left of the body were broken bones. The eyes were missing, and the snout was frozen in a snarl of defiance.

I quickly picked up the puppy, and pulled it away from the disfigured body. He whimpered, I saw that he was bleeding from several deep scratches on his sides. They looked possibly fatal if they were much deeper. I shifted and picked the puppy gingerly from the scruff. I began to run home. Henry would know what to do.

Henry looked at the puppy. He immediately took him gently and covered his wounds with the supplies from our first aid kit. "As far as I can tell, he'll be alright." Henry told me. I nodded and laid on my sleeping bag. I fell into an uneasy sleep filled with the gruesome image.
Hewo peoples! I hope you like my story ^_^ I don't have much to say, so 'till next time,


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