Chapter 32

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I blink awake and look around the room. I didn't see anyone and I let out a sigh of relief. What does they want from me? Do they want to know how they die so they can stop it? Which would be useless because you can't stop your death unless you become a vampire. Which is why he captured Bailey.

I need to get out of here and I need to help Bailey. Just then the door banged open and they entered the room, "I'm back honey." they said loudly. Somebody must've had to much caffeine.

"Are you ready to tell me how I die?" they ask sitting down.


"Then can you tell me when and where?"

"I don't know that stuff." I mumble.

"Too bad. Maybe I should just convince you tell me." they said and took off their glove.

I start to shake, the thought of seeing their death terrifies me. Their death will forever be etched into my brain.

They go to touch me and I flinch away. They chuckle and take my hand and I'm plunged into the never ending scene of their death.

I wake up again and my stomach grumbles. I don't know how long it's been since I last ate or how I'm even hungry after seeing their death but I am. As if they knew what I was thinking they walked in holding a plate with bread and what looked like pieces of chicken.

"I have some food for you." they said and sat down across from me.

"How am I supposed to eat? My hands are tied." I say glaring at him.

"Well I'm going to feed you." they said simply.

"What!?" I yell, "You are not feeding me."

"I guess you want to starve." they say and start to get up.

"No no. You can feed me."

"Good girl." they said and sat back down. They fed me the bread and chicken. I was still a little weirded out that I was getting chicken because that's not the sort of thing you hear other hostages getting to eat.

"And for a drink I have the finest water that you'll ever taste." they said and brought out a cup with a straw. I drank all the water, which honestly wasn't very good.

When they were done they got up and said "What do I not get a thank you?"

"No. You kidnapped me remember?" I say flatly.

"Fair enough." they said and left the room.

I sighed and looked around the room again. There wasn't anything I could use to escape and I'm not stupid enough to tip the chair over like those people in movies.

I sat alone for a long time and whenever I closed my eyes I saw their death. So I just stared at the wall thinking about how I messed things up with Bailey.

I pushed her away because I was to much of a coward to tell her the truth. I was scared that she wouldn't believe me. I like Bailey. I really do and it was foolish to push her away. I can't believe I hurt her that much. Actually I can because I'm just a selfish person. But the least I can do is get us out of here right? Or at least try.

I think back to Bailey's death and I was chained the was wall. So I'm assuming their going to move me to her room. So maybe once I get there I can... I don't know. I don't see a way out of this.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when they and the girl came into the room.

"Well the vampire won't seem to cooperate so I guess I need to find a new one. This one's weak and won't even drink and since you seem to care a lot about her, I'm going to let you watch as I kill her."

My eyes widened. This was it, this was the end.

The girl loosened the  rope and they pointed a gun to my head.

"If you try to run you get shot. Which would be very unfortunate."

We walked to the room that Bailey is and when we entered she glanced up and her eyes widened when she saw me. She pulled at the chains desperately but couldn't break free.

The girl chained me up to the wall and they walked towards Bailey with the knife.

"No please don't hurt her." I say starting to cry. He walked over to Bailey and was about to stab her when a phone started ringing. They reached into their pocket took out a buzzing phone. When they saw who it was they left the room quickly answering it.

What? This wasn't supposed to happen. Bailey was supposed to die. What is going on? Everything came crashing down on me. I was stuck in my thoughts until I heard the sound of chains breaking. I look up and the girl was breaking them.


She looked at me silently and noticed her perfectly pale skin that was flawless. Was she a? And they didn't even know?

"You must hurry up and go." she quietly and she snapped Bailey's chains as well.

"You're a-"

"Yes. Now here." she said and gave me my phone.


"It doesn't matter now go. And take your girlfriend with you." she said.

I get up slowly and stumble over to Bailey. Bailey's eyes were closed and she was more pale then usual if that was even possible. I put her arm around my shoulders and slowly walk to the doorway.

"Bailey wake up please. I need a little help here." I say quietly and Bailey's eyes open and she looked up at me.

"Alex?" I nodded and she tried to give me a smile. I gave her a little smile back.

I look back at the vampire girl "They'll be back soon. You might want to hurry. All you need to do is go down the hallway and make a right and the exit is there." she said and she motioned for me to hurry up and leave. I nod at her with a look of gratitude and we make our way down the hallway.

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