Chapter 1

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According to the world, One Direction consisted of Dominant Louis Tomlinson, Dominant Liam Payne and his Submissive Zayn Malik, Dominant Niall Horan and Dominant Harry Styles.

Except Harry was most definitely not a Dom, and the only people who knew were Harry, his family and a couple of the people on the management team.

Even the boys thought Harry was a Dom.

Including Louis.

Which was proving to be a massive problem for Harry as the Sub had all but fallen head over heals in love with him.

And it was getting harder and harder to keep lying to everyone, especially the people he loved.

Currently, they were sitting on the bus together, or well, Louis and Liam were playing a very loud and vocal game of FIFA, which for some reason included the two Dom's to be screaming at each other the whole time, Niall was laughing and pigging out on the left over nandos, and Harry was following a yoga tutorial on YouTube with Zayn.

"How do you-? I can't bend my back like that? I swear only the most flexible subs can - the fuck Harry? How are you doing that?" Zayn questioned in shock.

Harry frowned and un-bent his body to stand up straight. "I don't know, just followed what the woman said."

Zayn frowned. "But like, I couldn't even do it and I'm a sub, Dom's aren't as flexible as we are."

Harry laughed (somewhat nervously) and scratched his head. "Well, I don't know, I'm a man of many wonders. Anyways, is that the end of the lesson?"

Zayn nods. "Yeah, um, I'm just gonna grab a banana. D'you want me to grab one for you?"

Harry nods, even though he'd rather go and get them himself for Zayn. Just to feel like he was useful for something.

Even if it was just a banana.

He really was struggling with this.

"Yes please."

Zayn smiles and walks out towards the kitchen, Harry closing the laptop and putting it somewhere safe.

"Hazza, you wanna play?"

Harry looks over and sees Louis holding a control towards him, but shakes his head.

"No, I'm good thanks. Don't really like FIFA anyways." Harry mumbles, accepting the banana from Zayn gratefully. "Um, I'm just gonna head the bunks for a nap, my head kinda hurts."

Louis frowns and retracts the arm. "Okay, you feeling alright?"

Harry fights the urge to whimper and sit in Louis' lap. As he tells himself everyday, he wasn't Louis' Sub.

He wasn't even a Sub.

"Just a headache. I'll be fine." He mutters before quickly leaving.

"Well that was weird." Niall comments, the game frozen on the TV.

"It's Harry. He's always weird." Zayn says back with a laugh.

"Zayn!" Louis exclaims.

"What? I'm not saying it to be a dick, I like Harry. But you have to admit he does weird things all the time."

"Like what?" Louis asks, offended for his best mate.

"Like, how many Dom's do you know who would turn down a game of FIFA and instead do yoga. That's weird." Zayn says.

Louis rolls his eyes. "Okay, so he doesn't like to fit stereotypes, since when was that a bad thing. He's the youngest in here, Zayn. He just hasn't had time to learn who he is as a Dom cause we're so fucking busy all of the time. He's only 17. He's still a kid."

Lights up and they know who you are. //  Larry Stylinson. //  BDSM auWhere stories live. Discover now