15. I am ready

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Rajasthani language:-
Baba sa - Father

In night,Adhiraj was laying on his bed thinking about his father's advice. After living years away from royalty he started believing that this was his life but the truth is that his life is completely different from what he shows to the world.

His father was right.. Why handle two companies separately when he could make them one?

The most important thing is that he needed a collaboration for which many companies have proposed deals but after announcing that he is a prince, he could not expect loyalty from them.

Many of those companies were rivals of Rajputana empire who came to collaborate.

He hated traitors with all his guts. Earlier, few people tried to backstab him but in return they didn't get seen on this earth again.

He had made his decision. He called his father to inform so.

He greeted, "Pranam Baba sa."

His father asked, "Adhiraj. You called at this time.. What is it.??"

He took a deep breath and said, "I am ready for the merger.."

His father smiled at his words, "You made a wise decision Adhiraj. I will send someone to sign the papers.."

He hung up the phone and stared at the wall for good five minutes. He sighed and closed his eyes muttering, "I am ready."
Two days went in haste. Adhiraj was busy with all legal procedures for the merging. Board members created a chaos on his decision but he handled it quite diplomatically .

He was going to announce the company's name today in his office. He sent Rohan to do that as he was attending an important meeting with Akshit on some business issues.

The meeting went well and quick providing him the time to accompany Rohan. It was already office closing time.

Rohan announced, "Hello gentlemen and ladies.. We are feeling very happy to announce the join venture of Rathore Enterprises and Rajputana Business Empire in Rajasthan." He said measuring his words as Adhiraj didn't wanted to leak the information of merger.

All employees were jovial on hearing that . It was like catching a big fish in pond.

Adhiraj and Akshit were standing aside in one corner without being noticed.

Rohan continued, "Some of our talented employees will be transferred Jodhpur, it will benefit their carrier too."

He started announcing the names. Most of the people from Raina's floor was selected even Jatin, the male chauvinist pig was also selected .
When his name was announced, he gave a victorious smile.

Rohan announced, "...Neha, Raina..."

Neha jumped in happiness when her name was announced , while Raina froze on her place. Tears brimmed in her eyes .. Jodhpur?... Jodhpur???

She closed her eyes controlling her feelings. She asked rather loudly, "Sir..!! What if someone doesn't want to go?"

Rohan looked at her expressionless face surprised but nonetheless he answered her in professional tone, "One can't deny to go .. Every employee has signed a contract with the company, according to that he need to come with us at least for six months."

After sometime, they started leaving the office. Raina to walked to her desk to take her bag .

Akshit and Adhiraj was standing near her desk. Her eyes were red due to controlling her emotions, her gaze fell on them.

Akshit sighed at her red eyes while Adhiraj looked at her as if asking answers from her soul. She ducked her head down not wanting to show her vulnerable side to anybody and silently leaving the place.

Akshit turned towards Adhiraj saying, "Mr. Rathore.. It's time to go. See you soon."

Adhiraj also exchanged greetings and shook hands with him. Akshit hurriedly went after Raina but she already drove away.

He knew where she would be. He turned his car towards beach. He reached the isolated place which was located between big stones. Raina was silently seating and gazing the sea waves.

He slumped down beside her but she didn't looked at him. He said after sometime, "Raina... I will not sugarcoat my words, again you are running away from your fears."

Raina said in a stiff voice, "It is easy to say Akshit, but hard to do. Yes, I am running away because if I will face them, I will die.."

Akshit pulled her head on his shoulder and started caressing her head slightly massaging, the same thing she did whenever he would cry over his parents' death. Luckily he moved on but she couldn't.

He said, "No Raina.. You will not die., if you will expose yourself to your deepest fear, it will vanish..You remember, your therapy was left in the middle just because you couldn't face your fears. "

She said irritated, "How it will vanish Akshit.? You know, just thinking about it left me broken."

Akshit said looking at the waves, "Overthinking will not do any changes, actions will do. It will just make everything worse then it actually is."

He continued, "Faith and fear both demand you to believe in something you can't see. It's upto you what you choose. And.......If you will wait until you're ready then you will be waiting for rest of your life."

Raina was left speechless, it was first time he was saying something on this topic. She sighed and pulled her knees towards her chest and put her head on her knees. She was thinking from many aspects. After good ten minutes, she lifted her head and said, "I am ready."

This line put a smile on his face . He said,"Then let's get you a chocolate."
Raina also smiled slightly on the name of chocolate because chocolates were like her first love.

So, here is the update guys how is it? Little complicated? Isn't it?
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