35 - Iron Fever

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September 2, Wednesday

Worst birthday in the history of birthdays. Mom's not talking to me--or to anyone but Alice. Dad and my grandparents tried to bring me a cake, but I told them I wanted to be alone. It wouldn't be right to celebrate with everyone upset at everyone else.

I'm pretty sure Kyton blames himself for this whole mess. He's been waiting on me hand and foot all day. Every time I try to get up and do something myself, he has Eva read my thoughts and does the thing before I can even say what I want to do. It's driving me crazy.


"You know what, Ky?" I asked as he plumped my pillow for the tenth time.

He stopped plumping. "What?"

"I want a homemade pizza with pepperoni and sausage." That should keep him occupied downstairs for a while. "Ooh, and homemade vanilla ice cream. I think we have an ice cream maker in the attic. Or maybe the basement. Make sure you search really thoroughly."

"Uh huh?" His tail flicked back and forth like an annoyed cat's.

Even though he was using glamour again, I still saw his true form. Maybe his magic was weaker than before, or maybe it was just because tonight was the full moon, but either way, it was strange seeing him looking all magical and doing perfectly normal tasks.

Kyton squeezed the bridge of his nose. "I get it, you want me to leave you alone. Do you really want something to eat, or...?"

I shook my head. I'd been feeling nauseous since yesterday, and nothing sounded appetizing.

"Okay then." He turned to leave, and I winced at the sight of his wings. They were full of holes under a massive amount of white bandages. "If you need anything, I'm right next door."

"I know."

He left, and as soon as I was sure he wouldn't hear me, I slid out of bed. I was under strict orders not to do anything that took a lot of effort. Grandma was worried that something might be seriously wrong with me since her healing potion hadn't gotten rid of the awful red rash covering me from head to toe, on top of the "silver protection spell" she said she'd never heard of.

Whatever she thought, I couldn't stay in bed any longer. It was 7:14pm, and according to the internet, the full moon would rise at 8:07. I didn't have long. What should I do? I had less than an hour to be human. 43 minutes until everything in my life would change.

I took a step away from the bed. A combination of nerves and iron fever made my stomach clench. I gritted my teeth. It was okay. I wasn't going to-

My stomach heaved, and I barely made it to the toilet in the adjoining bathroom before puking my guts out. Shaking a little, I straightened and flushed the contents of my stomach away. I washed my hands and face.

Eva was on the counter, fluffing up her feathers. Water fix you?

No, it's just for cleaning.

She scoffed. Fire for cleaning. Water for wetting.

Shaking my head, I stumbled out of the bathroom.

Five minutes later, I stumbled back in. Someone knocked at the door just as I started washing my hands again. I gargled some water and went to check what Kyton wanted.

It wasn't Kyton standing in the hall. It was Piper, carrying what looked like half a ton of camera equipment.

"Before you say anything, I've been thinking." She edged around me into the room. "How about I keep the footage to myself for five years, then I-"

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