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Pov: Y/N's diary

I'm at band practice right now in Rodrick's garage while we're all packing up our equipment to go home. We were practicing our song "Explöded Diper" (I didn't name it) for Löded Diper's (also didn't name it) "big break" at the county-wide talent show, But our practice lasted a little longer than usual because Rodrick's mom busted in and started yelling at him.

He's always getting in trouble with his parents and it's starting to affect the band a little. This time Rodrick's mom walked into the garage looking angry and holding a dirty magazine.

"Rodrick we need to talk inside, now!" She said. Rodrick got up from his drum set and said,

"Go ahead and talk, we're a band, we have no secrets"

"Alright," she said and asked him about the magazine. He denied it was his but that only lasted about 4 seconds before he accidentally admitted it.

"Does owning this magazine make you a better person?" She said, "Did it make you more popular at school?"

He did the whole "No of course not" routine he always does when he's in trouble and then she started asking the real "hard" questions.

"How do you feel owning this type of magazine?"

He looked around the room all stupid and looked at me for an answer.

"Ashamed" I mouthed out.

He looked back at his mom "Uuh, ashamed,"

"Do you have anything you would like to say to women, for having owned this offensive magazine?" She asked "I mean, how do you think Y/N feels! She's probably just as mad as I am!"

"Uh, I'm sorry women?" He looked at me and shrugged.

"It's okay Rodrick," I faked a smile and turned to his mom "It's just boy things Mrs.Heffley, I'm sure he wasn't trying to offend anyone, don't be too hard on him"

"Well, alright," she said kind of defeated "But I don't want to see this around the house anymore, It should stay in your room from now on" She turned around and walked back inside.

As soon as the door shut Rodrick ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Oh my God, thank you so much Y/N you are a lifesaver"

"Yeah uh, no problem...bud," I said awkwardly. I gave him a punch on the shoulder and we continued the "jam sesh" (Rodrick calls it that) as usual.

I don't get Rodrick sometimes. I mean one second he's some hard-partying rockstar and the next he's an idiot who can't spell "diaper". It's like he doesn't know how to function when he's not beating a drum with a stick.

You would think I would understand him by now having known him since he started Löded Diper. Of course, then it was just me and him because we were the only kids in our grade with instruments, free will, and a curfew past 7.

We spent almost all of our free time over the past 4 years together and he's still so hard to read, sometimes I play a game with myself called "What is Rodrick thinking?" It's very challenging but still very entertaining.

Basically what I'm trying to say is Rodrick is the dumbest-

Pov: Narrator

"Hey Y/N! It's pretty late so my mom told me I should drive you home" Rodrick said loudly walking into the garage. He saw Y/N writing in her journal "Ooo, whatcha writin'?"

"None of your business," she said quickly putting the book in her backpack. "I live two blocks away, you don't need to drive me,"

Rodrick sat down on the ground next to her "I know, I just figured I should do something nice to pay you back for helping me out with my mom," he smirked "That was really cool of you"

"Yeah well, hide your porn better next time and I won't have to help you out," Y/N said kind of annoyed. She got up and walked to the garage door. She paused when she reached the window. "What time is it?"

"Uh..." Rodrick held up his wrist to look at his watch but then realized it was the wrong wrist and quickly raised the other one making sure Y/N didn't notice. "About 9:45ish"

"Oh God, my dad is gonna kill me, literally kill me," Y/N said freaking out and grabbing her things, "I think your mom is right it's way too dangerous for a girl like me to be wandering around at night, why don't you drive me home and make sure I don't miss my curfew, " She grabbed Rodrick's arm and dragged him to his van. They hopped in, brushed the crumbs off the seats, and sped down the street.

"Remember to drop me off 3 houses down, " Y/N asked, "I think if my dad ever sees me hop out of a windowless white van with 'Löded Diper' painted on the side he might spontaneously combust"

"Yeah, yeah I remember," Rodrick said a little sad. He didn't like that Y/N was keeping the band a  secret,

'she's such a major part of the band and if her dad founds out she's lying to him and makes her quit then we would need to find a new bassist, It wouldn't be the same without her.' He thought

"Okay, Here is good," Y/N said snapping Rodrick out of his thoughts. She turned to look at him for a second.

"What are you looking at?" Rodrick asked reasonably a little freaked out.

Y/N scruffed up his shaggy brown hair "I think you need a haircut, it's getting kinda long, " she hopped out of the van. "Also, I think I forgot to put my bass up, could you do that for me when you get home?"

Y/N always kept her bass at his house to avoid her dad becoming suspicious. He still hasn't caught on somehow.

"Yeah of course, " They waved each other goodbye as Rodrick drive away and Y/N walked to her house.

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