Chapter Eleven

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I was avoiding both of them. Bill and Legosi I mean. The fight that happened on stage the night before scared me. This had a different effect than Tem's death. These two people who I know fighting to the point of shedding blood. I was in horror when I saw Bill's claws rip and tear into Legosi's back, the wolf's blood spilling onto the stage in a dark crimson. Louis ended up going back on stage and finishing the performance as Adler. I tried to handle the other students backstage along with the rest of the show. Louis's crutches staying in my hands the entire time.

It was the next day and both Louis and I sit together to eat dinner. We were silent. He was preparing to talk to both Bill and Legosi, I was going to be there due to me being stage manager. His words, not mine. "Is it weird... to be scared of them?" I look up at Louis from my food and he makes eye contact with me. He hesitates for a moment.

"It isn't weird, I don't believe. You saw one of your friends be attacked by a fellow classmate, both of which are carnivores. You saw a side of both of them that you have never seen before." My fork hovers over my salad. I've barely eaten a bite of food and I also had no breakfast. Louis knows this. "You need to eat." He says firmly and I sigh, placing my fork down.

"I can't." I respond simply, leaning back in my chair. Louis and I have chosen to eat in a secluded spot to avoid the others coming up to him about the show. Louis leans overs the table and grabs my fork, stabbing my salad and holding it up to my lips.

"I will force you to eat this if you don't willingly eat it." My ears flatten in embarrassment as I slowly lean forwards and eat the salad on the fork that Louis is holding. He is really feeding me right now, isn't he? We aren't even that close so why is he doing this? "I cannot let you become ill, the drama club will crumble without you." Oh. That's why he's doing this. I clear my throat, taking another forkful.

"Louis. What are we?" I ask. He pauses, placing my fork down. His ears flatten as he thinks. We've known each other for years now but this is the most we've ever talked to each other these past few months. Our personalities just never aligned I guess. I'm not really sure why we haven't talked more to be honest. I guess a lot of animals relate to this situation though. He finally speaks.

"I think we are well on our way to becoming good friends. At this point I believe we are more than acquaintances." I nod, finishing my salad. I didn't grab a lot to begin with. Louis and I both stand. Him moving a bit slower due to my injury. We opted not to grab trays so we didn't have to go back to the lunchroom. I throw out our plates and such while he waits for me at the table. It was about time to head over and meet Bill and Legosi. The walk was filled with pleasant chatter, not really anything important being said to one another. We didn't really mind, we were just trying to get to know each other a bit more. We didn't talk about our families much.


I lean against the pillar and Louis talks to both Bill and Legosi. Well, talk is the wrong word. It is more or less him shouting at them. "If I wasn't there to intervene would you two have killed each other?" I shouts louder and I flinch even though I wasn't the one being yelled at. Legosi keeps sparing me glances as Louis talks. I hear movement behind me and turn to see other students approaching. My eyes widen as Bill tries to warn Louis of what's behind him. He pays the tiger no mind and keeps going on about how the two are suspended. I eventually have to tap Louis on the shoulder. He looks at me and I silently gesture with my head about the crowd behind him. Louis's eyes widen and he leans to Bill and Legosi, talking in a hushed whisper. I take this as my chance to hide behind the pillar I was leaning against so the crowd can't see me. Cameras flash as the three boys handle the situation. I giggle behind my hand, pressing my body against the pillar. Louis gives me a side eyed glare, causing me to snort and laugh harder. He gets a mischievous look in his eye before walking over and pulling me out in front of everyone. The camera flashes increase as more photos are taken.

"The one who came up with this idea is our Stage Manager, (Y/N)." I freeze before awkwardly smiling and waving, ears pressed tightly against my head. I begin to get bombarded with questions and my eyes widen. I was staying hidden for a reason. I frantically look at Louis, eyes tearing up and he realizes he's messed up. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to his side.

"I'll be able to answer any questions that you guys have. I just wanted to give credit to the girl who came up with the idea." A strained smile remains on my face as Louis answers everyone's questions. Bill and Legosi speaking every now and again. The last question causes me to stop breathing.

"Are you and (Y/N) in a relationship?" The girl asks, gesturing to Louis's arm around my waist. He instantly lets go and shoots down the question. I take this as my time to leave and walk away from the crowd. I needed to head back to my dorm and continue to figure out what songs I'm going to sing for college auditions. 

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