The Last Kiss

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While most of their friends attended Martin Steins funeral Oliver and Kara stayed back in Star Labs to talk it out.
"I know things have been really weird between us lately. And I hope we can find a way to move past this now when our evil selves are dead." Oliver said and Kara nervously took of her glasses while she was staring at the floor. Because she was still unsure how to behave around him after finding out that evil versions of them were married and that's why they've had weird dreams about each other.
"Yeah I hope so too." she said when she finally found the words in her dry mouth. She felt even more flustered before she continued because she knew it might be stupid to say what she was thinking. But after everything they've been through she wanted to be honest with him.
"And...I'm sorry that I called the idea of being married to you gross." she said and avoided looking at him. Her cheeks were heating up even more. He chuckled. "Don't worry about it." he said and she threw a quick glance at him. He was still smiling and she felt her heart skip a beat.
"I mean I wouldn't want to be married to you, obviously but it wouldn't be completely..." she rambled nervously while avoiding his gaze again. While she was searching for the right word she stopped talking and she looked up and met his gaze again and that's when she realized that they were standing really close. "...gross." she sighed. She barely had time to collect her breath before he pressed his lips against hers. She was thrown of guard at first and didn't know if she should return the kiss. It would be a very bad idea. But this kiss wasn't a dream and it wasn't controlled by their evil selves. She couldn't fight back this attraction so she melted into his kiss and kissed him back. When their lips parted he immediately felt guilty.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that. I... don't even know why I did that... I just..." he blushed and didn't know what to say. He wasn't used to stutter like this. How does she still have this affect on me? Did I just kiss her again? Even though I just repaired things with Felicity. I really messed up he thought to himself. Kara was busy blushing and feeling unsure what to do or say now.
"Don't be sorry... but this isn't right. I can't do this. Felicity is pretty amazing, I mean she was prepared to die for me." Kara said and awkwardly put on her glasses again. Maybe as some sort of shield between them. Then Oliver gently reached out and took her hand. "Who wouldn't? The world... my world would be a lot less hopeful place without you in it Kara." he said and she felt a warmth in his chest. He really meant that? "Thank you. And even though we're not meant to be together in this life, I'll always come flying when you need me." she said and tried to form a smile. He smiled back and then she placed her arms around him and hugged him. He sighed but then he chuckled nervously and blushed while he let her go. "Come on. Let's go find the others." he said.

When Kara and Alex came home to their earth, Kara dropped down on the couch and she didn't know if she was about to start laughing or crying. She felt so many emotions all at once. But then she thought about what Oliver said and the moment they shared before they all said goodbye and she couldn't stop smiling.
"Kara I asked if you wanted something?" Alex said and brought her back from her daydreaming. "Oh, sorry, yeah bring me the ice cream." she said. Alex got herself a beer and brought Kara the ice cream before she dropped down in the couch next to her. Kara almost angrily dug the spoon into the ice cream and she accidentally bent it completely.
"I know you went through a lot these past few days, but you've been very distracted ever since we got home, are you okay?" Alex asked. She was always worrying about her sister but even more so when she was acting strange and after she almost died.
"Yeah, I'm fine." she said and grabbed another spoon and shoved some ice cream into her mouth. Alex laughed. "You don't seem fine..." she said and Kara sighed. "Why wouldn't I be fine? I almost got killed and I almost lost you. And I also met and fought an evil version of myself who was married to an evil version of the guy I think I have a crush on..." she let everything pour out of her and Alex stared at her in disbelief.
"Wait? Do you have a crush on Oliver? Since when?!" Alex voice was louder than usual and she definitely didn't expect that. Why would she? Kara could hardly believe it herself. She sighed. She didn't mean to reveal that part. But Alex knew her so well she'd probably find out sooner or later.
"I just realized it... at first I thought it was only because our evil selves were married and the visions that gave us both... but I was lying to myself. I think I had a crush on him since I had a one-night-stand with him last year." Kara told her sister who looked at her with her mouth wide open. She never told her about the one-night-stand. No one knew.
"Wow... Kara. Why didn't you tell me you slept with him?" Alex asked and Kara blushed at the memories. "Would you have told me about Sara if I wasn't with you?" she wondered and Alex cracked a nervous laughter. "Probably not." she said and took a sip from her beer.
"Anyway... it doesn't matter what I feel for him. He's probably married or engaged or something by now." Kara sighed. She tried not to think about that. "So that's why you didn't want to stay on their earth any longer..." Alex said and Kara took of her glasses and wiped a tear away. She only just realized she was crying. "Yeah, after what happened with Mon-El... I just couldn't go through that again." she said and had another spoon of ice cream. "And I would've been dead if it wasn't for the woman he loves. So what can I do... I always fall for the most unavailable guys. Gosh what's wrong with me?" she said and Alex placed her arm around her shoulders.
"For what it's worth, I think he really does care about you." Alex said and Kara tried to manage another smile. "You think so?" she sounded a bit to happy about that. Alex laughed. "I know so because you're Supergirl." she said and hugged Kara tight.

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