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🦋☀ 🌊 - 27

olivia sits beside kiara trying to calm her down from the night before as she watches jj throw pebbles into the water. john b lays on the ground if the small dock with his legs kicked up.

no one really knew what to say to each other after what happened last night. john b surprisingly didn't hurt anyone, but he did try to talk to sarah which led up to a whole lot of nothing.

with a grunt and a sigh, john b pulls off his cast and throws it to the side of him. "it's not like i expected a happy ending or anything." the boy looks up to the sky.

"john b-" kiara starts until the brunette cuts her off, "what kie? it's just a hairline fracture. who cares?"

"you should care. your arms going to be messed up for life." kiara eyes the cast laying on the middle of the dock.

"you're lucky that's all that happened to you. you could have gotten it worse." olivia adds on for the thousandth time.

"it's fine, see?" john b holds up his hand and moves his fingers around to prove his point to the two girls.

"guys! guys!" loud thumping and a booming voice breaks their small talk.

everyone turns their head to the boy running down to the dock. pope was out of breath when he got there, full of sweat and everything.

"how was the interview?" olivia goes to check on him, but was quickly cut off. "don't ask."

"you alright?" john b gives the boy a thumbs up.

"jb, i'm sorry dude. about everything. i don't have a lot of time, but i hate information that's tactically relevant." pope breaths heavily.

olivia felt bad that pope was even apologizing to john b in the first place. sure she loved john b, but pope had an interview that he's been waiting for for weeks. she knew how important it was to him.

"before i had my interview my dad said he was going to ship something off for the cameron's in their big plane because it was too heavy it needed a longer ship way to take off. so i was sitting there in my interview wondering why cameron needed a longer air strip to take off." pope explains what his dad said along with what he was thinking. he knew damn well what it was, but he waited for john b's brain to click in.

olivia locks eyes with jj. the two of them knew as well. it wasn't difficult to figure out since john b told them the gold in the well was gone. ward must have figured it out and dug it up himself.

"what could be so heavy to weigh it down?" pope continues on.

"gold." jj answers for everyone.

pope points at jj all excitedly. "guys. this is our chance, but it leaves tonight so we have to go."

olivia smiles and hops down with kiara. "pope you did it!" she laughs.

"what are we gonna do?" jj looks at john b.

"we steal that shit back."

olivia takes jj's hand and runs down the dock with their friends following close behind. "let's go boys!"

the pogues get into the van straight away. all of them were too excited to wait any longer to steal the gold back from ward. so, they discuss the plan on the way and kept the smile on their faces.

olivia lays her head in jj's lap, smiling up at the blonde. "we're gonna get rich."

jj smiles and places his hat on olivia's head. "we'll be rich as fuck baby."

olivia leans up and places a kiss on his lips. jj being jj, he kept the kiss going for however long he wanted even if his friends watched them.

"can you guys not?" pope looks at the two with a smug look.

"i thought there was no pogue on pogue macking?" john b looks at the duo quickly before putting his focus back on the road.

"you missed a lot buddy." kiara pats his back and averts popes attention away from them

"uh huh." pope sighs. "if you two are going to be dating, let's just keep the macking to you two and not make out in front of us."

"okay you baby." olivia hits his leg.

"you're just jealous." jj smirks at pope.

"yeah right." the boy denies, crossing his arms in front of him.

the pogues park in front of the gate that stops them from the plane track. the light blue and white plane sat right there not far from them. all that blocked them was a large field of grass.

"they're loading up the gold." pope looks through the binoculars.

john b grabs them and looks for himself. "there's ward."

"what? what!" kiara's face drops when john b's face does too.

setting down the binoculars, john b kept his eyes on the plane. "it's sarah."

"what? it can't be." olivia grabs the binoculars for herself. sure enough, sarah was getting out of the car and walking beside ward.

she didn't blame sarah for following her own father, but it hurt her knowing that she was leaving and she didn't even get an explanation for herself. sarah was one of her best friends and here she is betraying the pogues like kiara said she would.

"she's with him?" pope asks.

olivia looks at jj who has a sorry look on his face. he didn't know what to say to her since he was never really close with sarah in the first place. so instead he put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "i'm sure she'll be fine."

"right." olivia nods her head as she tries to convince herself that also.

"wait a minute." john b looks through the binoculars again. "he's hurting her."

"what?" olivia's head snaps back to the plane where she hears sarah's soft screaming.

"what is he doing?" kiara looks through the gate with olivia.

"they're fighting." john b passes them to kiara and makes a run for the van.

"hey, hey." pope looks at john b who's already in the van.

"hey! john b! where are you going?" the friends shout, chasing after their friend.

"don't be a hero dude!" jj yells after the brunette.

"get back here!" pope screams.

the friend watches as the plan starts down the runway while john b chases after it with the van. it was a little exciting, but also very scary to watch.

the sirens start behind them causing the group to look back. pope and jj both had reasons to not be caught in a time like this.

"i'm on probation." jj clenches his jaw. it was obvious he wanted to help john b, but the problems got in the way.

"look, we're no good in jail." kiara says.

"come on." olivia pulls jj with her.

he picks up his stuff and the group makes a run for it. they didn't have the van so all they had were their legs to carry them away from the scene.

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