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When we got back to the Hotel early that evening, after everyone put away their gear, we had dinner, before Jill came up to speak.

"Even though that was only a friendly match, I just wanted to say how proud I am of everyone on this team. You guys played very well against a very tough opponent, and I really think that we can win the World Cup. Keep in mind, that it is still January, and we have 6 months before our first official game, so I need everyone here to put everything they have into being on this team. Remember, it's not just about the amount of hours you spend playing on the field. It's also about the time you take to strengthen and deepen the relationships you have with one another. A good team is full of diverse people who are all working towards a common goal. A good team is full of people who lift one another up, and not tear each other down. I think since this team first started, you have done an incredible job with building connections with each other which allows you to function as a unit both on and off the field. It was a rough start against France, and there is a chance we will face them again. But I think that if we work hard enough, we can beat them, and any other team who we play against."

Everyone cheered and raised there glasses (which just had water in them) before toasting to one another. 

The rest of dinner was fun;  Ash and Ali were talking about their plan for their wedding, which was scheduled for December, and Pinoe was talking about how her and Sue were thinking of getting an apartment together in Seattle.

All in all, it was a great time. It's been less than a month since I've been on the team, and like Christen said, these girls feel like my family.

After dinner, I really wanted to call my mom to tell her about the game today. I knew she probably watched it, but I still wanted to talk about it with her. Everyone kind of went off to do their own thing, a few people hanging out in one another's rooms.

Kelley was with Pinoe and Krashlyn, so I had the room to myself.

"Hey Mom!"

"Hey Y/n! How are you?"

"Amazing! You watched the game right?"

"Of course I did sweetie! I'm so proud of you, you guys played so well and you made some great saves."

"Thanks Mom, that means a lot."

"How is the rest of the team doing?"

"They're good, hanging out with each other. Jill gave us the rest of the night off, and then we start back up with training and conditioning tomorrow. Our next friendly is in April against Australia, so that should be cool."

"I'm so excited for you guys!"

"Yeah, I'm excited too."

"Anything else exciting happen?" From the way she said it, it kind of sounded like my Mom had something specific she wanted me to say, but I wasn't really sure what. 

"Nope, but I'll keep you updated!"

"Alright, I'll let you go, I know you probably want to go hang out with your friends. I love you Y/n, and I miss you everyday."

"I love and miss you too Mom! Talk to you later."

After hanging up with my Mom, I called my Aunt.

"Sup Mini!"

"Hey T." I chuckled at her excitement.


"Oh my god, I think I just went deaf!"

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