Chapter Five

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January 18, 1946

The time had finally come. After far too long holed up in a house in New Jersey, Alice and Nix were heading to see friends. Blanche had been invited as well, as they headed across New Jersey to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Home to Harry Welsh, and home to Kitty Grogan.

Her leg bounced up and down where she sat in the front seat. A couple weeks ago she'd been in a similar spot, stressed in a car. But that had been before seeing her someday father-in-law. A regular jackass, he was. Alice didn't like him one bit. But Ruth Burke, Nix's secretary, she was nice. Alice had liked her, even if their interaction had been short.

But this fear, it came more from anticipation. She'd finally be meeting the woman who had captured Harry's heart. And not just captured, but ensnared. Alice found she couldn't suppress a smile even with the trepidation buzzing through every inch of her body.

Harry had often described her: strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes, a smile to die for. He'd called her laugh music, her heart as big as he could stretch his arms wide and wit to match. He'd said she had a penchant for rosé wine and sangrias. Tales of her beauty and her kindness and her courage were endless.

Sometimes, Alice wondered if Nix had ever spoken to Harry and Dick about her like Harry had of Kitty. Probably not. But even the thought of Nix trying to be poetic like Harry had often accidentally been was worth the thought if only for a laugh. Nixon could be philosophical, but poetic? She'd yet to see that.

As she watched the sun setting from the car window, Alice smiled. Maybe she'd try to turn him into a poet. It would be funny to watch. Turning from the window, she glanced at him. He looked tired. She couldn't blame him; they'd had to wait until after his workday to set off towards Wilkes-Barre. Even though the trip didn't take that long, about three hours, he deserved rest on a Friday evening.

Not long after, they found themselves passing a "Welcome to Wilkes-Barre" sign. Alice straightened. The drive through the mountains had been pleasant, but she looked forward to stretching her legs, and then resting. The watercolor-like sky had already started to fade as they moved through residential streets. Harry had given them his address, and said they had two spare rooms. As the first to arrive, they lucked out. 

Dick was supposed to drive in on the 21st, and Ron and Lip sometime between there and the 24th. It amused Alice to no end that Ron had gotten an invitation; as the rivalry between Ron and Harry that started in Mackall had never really died down. But she supposed they'd become friends despite, or perhaps because of, that. Two years and war would do that.

"This is it." Nix paused for a moment as the car stopped along the dark street. A light hung on either side of the door, illuminating the path through the small yard. Light floated through the edges of the curtains along the windows. With a smile, Nix turned to her. "Ready?"

"Absolutely." She grinned back. Then she turned to Blanche in the back seat. "You?"

She just chuckled and pushed open her side door in response. It didn't take long for them all to leave the car behind and start up the sidewalk. They soon stood at the door, and Nix gave it a firm knock. It swung open a moment later.

Alice had to admit, Harry had been right. Kitty was gorgeous. Her pristine smile only widened as she looked at them.

"Harry!" she called back. "They're here." Then she turned to them again. "So. You must be Lewis, and you're Alice, and you're Blanche. Right?" But she didn't wait for them to respond. She just winked and stood aside to let them in. "Get inside. It's too cold out there. Harry's been bustling around so much you'd have thought he was a professional cleaner. He's not, by the way. That would be my job." She turned down the hall again. "Harry Welsh! Get over here and quit leaving your friends at the mercy of my charms."

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