Part 22 (Interrogation)

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Third POV

   Izuku woke up to the scent of body crushing alpha pheromones. He slowly opened his eyes to see Todoroki, Toga, and Dabi, all sitting next to him on the same side of a table. They were all in an interrogation room, cuffed and probably being monitored through the mirror on the wall.
   Midoriya was at the end of the table, Todoroki sat next to him, Dabi sat next to Todoroki, and Toga sat at the other end next to Dabi. Todoroki was currently sitting there with a straight blank face but the pheromones leaking out of his scent glands said another thing completely. He was angry. Really angry.
   Everyone was awake but Midoriya by now. As he slowly opened his eyes he looked up only to quickly look down and whimper. The dominant pheromones were pushing him into submission.
   Todoroki looks down at Midoriya in shock before softening his expression and letting out calming pheromones. Midoriya slowly puts his head back up looking up at a slightly more calm Todoroki.
   "W-Whats going on?" Todorokis soft expression goes back to a somewhat blank one. The calming pheromones stop and he sighs frustratedly.
   "We got caught. Those criminals must have told the pro heroes where we would be." Todoroki looks forward as he continues to talk. Midoriya looks over at the mirror finally realizing what's going on. He notices his mask is gone and starts to freak out.
   "Sh-Sho! The-they're gonna c-call my dad!" Midoriya starts to let out fearful pheromones. Looking around panicking. He looks around for an escape route, an escape route of any kind.
   "Calm down. They're not going to call him. You're a criminal now. You're not going back home." Todoroki reassures him that his father isn't coming back for him. He looks at him and let's out some more calming pheromones. Midoriya starts to calm down and lays his head down on the table.
   "What the hell are they gonna do with us. Can't exactly send a bunch of teens to prison. Can they?" Dabi, who currently had his chin resting on the table looking up, said.
   "I don't know~ I wouldn't mind going to prison. Just more people I can chop up!" Toga who was currently jumping up and down in her seat says happily. Dabi scoffs at her creepy statement and goes back to thinking of some kind of escape route.
   "We just-" Todoroki was cut off when the door opened. In the door was a beta standing holding a pile of files along with Eraserhead. Probably to make sure they don't kill the beta. They walk in and take the seats across from the four.
   "Hello I'm the detective here, Tsukauchi Naomasa. I will be asking you questions. Please refrain from lying my quirk will tell me if you are." Todoroki stares at him with a blank expression, Dabi groans in annoyance, Toga giggles, and Midoriya looks down nervously finally sitting up.
    "Let's start with you." The detective points to Toga. She smiles a big toothy grin in return.

"Name: Toga Himiko
Alias: Toga
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Kill count: 126
Quirk: Transform
She is able to transform into another person if she ingests that's persons blood. Depending on how much blood she drinks depends on how long she can stay in that transformation."
He hold up a file which is presumably Togas as he speaks. Togas grin grew bigger and bigger as he spoke and she started to giggle.
"Is all of this information true?" He said looking at Toga from the pile of files.
"Yep!" She said popping the 'p' with a giggle. He then moved his gaze to Dabi. Who still looked bored out of his mind.
"Next we will move onto you." Dabi rolled his eyes sighing a little. The detective switches out the files. (I'm aging Dabi and Shigiraki down a bit for the convenience of the story)

"Name: Unknown
Alias: Dabi
Age: 17
Kill count: 258
Quirk: Cremation
He can create large amounts of highly destructive blue flames. Though he has a low tolerance for these flames and his body can burn from them."
"Is all of this true?" The detective looked up from his files and at Dabi.
Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Yeah." He said with a bored tone. He couldn't wait for them to just send them to jail already so his beta could come and break them out. He hated being this far from him.
"Would you tell us your real name?" Dabi snarled at his question growing impatient.
"No." The detective backed off. He knew he wouldn't get an answer from him.
"Now onto you." He looks over at Todoroki. He looked over at the detective with a blank unconcerned face. He had control over his pheromones now but only because Midoriya was here. The detective switched out his files.

"Name: Unknown
Alias: HellFrost
Age: 16
Kill count: 369
Quirk: Ice
The user is able to create ice using his right side of his body. If he uses his ice too much he will suffer from frostbite."
   "Is all of this information correct?" Todoroki sits there for a minute. Thinking what he should do. They got his quirk wrong and he could use that as an advantage. They could be bluffing about the detectives quirk.
   "Yes." He says with a blank stare. The detective looks up from the files.
   "That's a lie." Todoroki sighs. So he wasn't bluffing. His quirk really can tell if you're lying or not.
   "We know that most of this information is most likely correct except for the quirk. So, is the information on your quirk incorrect?" Todoroki starts to get a little angry but calms down by looking at the omega beside him. He knew he couldn't escape his quirk.
   "Yes it is." He says with a blank expression still present. This time though he was looking at Midoriya who was looking down at the table.
   "Tell me your quirk. I will know if you're lying about it." Todoroki holds in a growl. He doesn't like the position he's in but he guesses he has no other choice.
   "My quirk is half hot, half cold. I can produce fire with my left side and ice with my right. I refuse to tell you the drawbacks." Todoroki turns back to look at the detective as he says this. The deceive nods and writes something down in the files.
   "Alright. Now onto you." He looks over at Midoriya and switches to another file. Midoriya visibly tenses knowing it's his turn.

"Name: Izuku Midoriya
Alias: Reapers Bunny
Age: 16
Kill count: 23
Quirk: Telepathy
The user is able to move objects with their mind. Drawbacks are they get a headache if it is used too much and won't be able to focus on using their quirk."
   "Is this information correct?" Midoriya thought about it for a second. He did have a second quirk but technically he wasn't lying if he said that the information was correct. Would he be lying if he said it was because the information didn't have his other quirk on it? He had to take the chance. It's not like it would do anything if he lied.
   "Y-yes." The detective looked up from the files and put them down on the table.
    "That was a lie." Midoriya whimpered. He thought it through hoping he would get away with it but his quirk was too good
   "I'm assuming it's about your quirk as well? Am I correct?" Midoriya nodded his head nervously.
   "I-I have a second q-quirk. C-called c-copycat. I-if I analyze someone's m-movements or-or something I-I can copy I-it and do the ex-exact some thing. I-I can only do it ab-about five times about every 24 hours th-though." The detective nods and writes the information down in the files. He then looks up glancing between all four of them.
"Since you all are teenagers we are going to have to do something different with you. As in you will be participating in a program. I'm not going to explain this to you do I'll let someone else do the talking." With that the beta gets up and walks out. Eraserhead stays in the seat. He looks tired as if he's about to fall asleep any minute now.
The door opens and in walks a mouse or bear looking thing. Midoriyas eyes widen since he knows exactly who this is. It's Nezu. The principal of UA high. Dabi looks at Nezu with confusion written all over his face, Toga starts giggling hysterically, Todoroki continues to have a blank expression as he looks at the creature, and Midoriya looks as if he's going to pass out just from seeing someone so important.
"Hi! I'm Nezu. You're probably wondering who or what I am. Though that doesn't matter! I'm here to tell you that you will be going to my school! UA!" Todoroki gives Nezu a disgusted look. It was the most emotion he'd shown the whole time he's been here.
"Why would we go to a school for heroes?" Todoroki asked. Venom lacing his voice. Dabi also had a look of disgust on his face. Midoriya just sat there nervously thinking about what could possibly be happening, as Toga grinned nervously.
"You could go to prison instead and never see each other again!" Nezu said while smiling. Midoriya looked up at Todoroki sadly. He didn't want to leave Todoroki. He was the only one who's ever truly shown him kindness.
Todoroki snarled at the thought of leaving Midoriya behind. Along with Dabi and the others. They were practically family, and well Dabi was family. He was the only family he really had left. Midoriya was so precious to Todoroki he couldn't just leave him.
"Fine." Todoroki growled out. Dabi looked at him with surprise. He started to protest but Todoroki looked at him with angry pheromones leaking out. He gave him a look that said "don't go against me".
"Wonderful! I'll have you in class 1-A! With our very own Eraserhead! You'll become wonderful heroes I know it!"

This was longer than expected but who doesn't like long chapters lol! Hope you liked it

~Total words 1718~

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