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The rest of the week went by pretty quietly. I stayed in for the most part, but I didn't talk to Xavier again. Most nights, the guy from before sat at the end of the garden. I nicknamed him Greg, since I had no clue what his actual name was. I could sense Xavier around occasionally, but I think he was pretty busy, since he wasn't really doing garden watch.

One night I had actually left a water bottle and a fruit bar out for Greg, which he seemed to appreciate. I felt bad that he was being told to protect some eighteen year old idiot all hours of the night. The guy who followed me during the day was a different one, but he left me alone once I reached the school gates- at least he doesn't follow me in. 

It was weird, don't get me wrong, but I was trying to think of it as having a bodyguard, rather than a stalker. Whatever Xavier was talking about seemed serious, so I didn't want to rebel against it and get myself killed. If he really is a criminal, I could be in danger; it's a valid concern. 

I hadn't told Heather about the long conversation I had with Xavier, since I knew she wouldn't understand. We had been best friends for a long time, so she was naturally protective of me; I was the same with her, she's like my sister.

Marie's party was tonight and I was feeling nervous for once. I had invited Heather over to help me get ready, since I was actually worried about my appearance for the first time in years. She was glad to see me take in an interest in personal hygiene, but wished I wasn't doing it for Xavier.

I took a hot shower, shampooing and conditioning my hair thoroughly. I used a cherry smelling body wash, scrubbing every inch of my body. I brushed my teeth and even used mouthwash- I had to admit, I had a bit of a problem with being so demotivated that I didn't shower enough. Mouth wash is a big deal. 

It felt good to be clean, though. I dried off with a towel as best as I could, pulling on some boxers. I then swung the bathroom door open, letting Heather come in with her little bag. She plopped herself on the bathroom counter, grabbing my chin with her manicured hand. 

"Can I do your eyebrows? They're wild." Heather mused, looking over my face, "A bit of concealer and you're good- you're naturally pretty." 

"Thanks." I chuckled, watching her come at me with some tweezers, "Will this hurt?" 

"No." Heather shook her head.

What a liar. It hurt like a motherfucker, making my eyes water with pain. I kept trying to push her away, but she insisted it would look silly if I had half a plucked eyebrow. I let her finish, but then she insisted on doing the other one too- she tricked me. 

"Concealer, now. I stole this from the twins' work for you, since we're clearly not the same shade. This is literally just cream, so chill out." She huffed, watching me flinch as she raised it to my face. 

She dotted it around my face, on my 'blemishes'. She then took a sponge, dabbing it on my skin to blend it in. She pointed to me in the mirror and I nodded. I didn't look half bad. My skin looked even and my eyebrows were sharp and dark. 

"He won't know what hit him." Heather smirked, leading me by my hand into the bedroom. 

I sat on my bed, waiting for her to hand me clothes. She was wearing the highest pair of heels I had ever seen and I was wondering how she could walk in those. Her skirt was bright red and she'd paired it with a black lace, corset top. She looked stunning with her hair curled around her face.

"Stop checking out my ass and put that on." She commanded, throwing an outfit at me. 

I slipped on the floral button down, leaving it half unbuttoned. She wolf whistled and I pulled on the black skinny jeans, jumping to get them over my ass. She giggled at that, wiggling her eyebrows. 

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