Chapter Thirteen

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TheIrishMadMan a.k.a Creative Genius has entered the chat

Also, this chapter is more than 2000 words long, enjoy! ;)

Chapter Thirteen - Reunion

(Y/N)'s POV

I dropped the cane and touch my face while looking at the mirror.

I took a second to examine myself.

(Y/N): I look.... badass.

I shook my head.

(Y/N): No time to get side-tracked.

If this isn't my room,

where am I?

I grab the cane and head to the front door to look outside.

The environment was a bit, different.

I mean, it's a forest.

I close the door behind me and walk along the trail.

No one's POV

As (Y/N) walks along the trail.

He passes by a dorm with a sign...


Susie's POV



Frank and Joey enters the room.

Frank: You guys want any drinks?

Julie: Hell yeah!

Joey: We need help bringing it.

Julie: Ah, don't you guys already have the drinks?

Joey: Uhhhh no? You drank all of it last night remember?

Julie: Ah, right.

Susie: I think I'll pass, I'm feeling kinda tired.

Frank gave me a look of concern.

Frank: Are you okay Susie? You seem a little off.

I rest my head on the desk and in the corner of my eye.

Outside the window, I thought I saw (Y/N).


I'm really tired.

Susie: I'm good, just didn't have enough sleep last night.

Thinking about (Y/N).

Frank: Alright, we'll be back in a few.

The three of them soon left.

Susie: *sigh*

(Y/N)'s POV

Where the hell am I?

The trail was like never ending and also, where's the campfire?

I kept walking.

???: Today was a weird day.

(Y/N): I know right?

I pass by someone that was like 7 foot tall.. with white mask wearing a blue jumper.

I stopped my tracks.


I took a few steps back and turn my head as we made eye contact.





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