Chapter 3

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6th August 2022

Sunday has always been my favourite day. I do my cleaning and errands on Saturdays and reserve Sundays for a lazy day. Since moving to my flat, Sundays have been reserved for lunch and games night with my family. It's the perfect wind-down before the busy week ahead.

The weather is a little breezy today, so I put my jacket on to complete my casual look of jeans and a t-shirt. I grab the container with the cake I spent my morning baking and head out onto the road. Twenty minutes later, I pull up on the driveway.

The smell of a classic Sunday roast wafts through my parent's house. I follow the scent to the kitchen to see my mum whizzing around. Placing the cake down, I hug her, causing her to jump.

"Oh! You scared me, sweetie. When did you get here?" Her green eyes light up when they rest on me. Her lips curl into a smile that makes my heart feel full.

"Just now. I let myself in. How long until food is ready?"

"Five minutes. Do you want to freshen up?"

"Yeah, I will be right back." I freshen up in the downstairs bathroom before searching for my brother and dad. I find them both in the garden.

"Ava! When did you get here?" My dad asks as he gives me a hug.

"Only a few minutes ago. How are you?"

"Alright. Just watered the plants."

"They look good," I compliment. I know nothing about plants, but they aren't dead, so I guess that's good. I walk over to Isaac, who is tossing a football around. With a stern face, I shout his full name. "Isaac Benjamin Brooks!"

He looks at me with fear in his eyes.

I grin at him. "What's up, squirt?"

He gives me a pout. "I don't like it when you call me that!"

"Sorry, Benji! What's new with you?"

He gives me a big grin. "Another one of my teeth fell out!"

"I can see that by the gap. It's a good look," I tease.

"Do you want to play football with me?"

Not wanting to do that, I come up with an excuse. "Maybe after we eat. Why don't you go in and freshen up?"

He kicks the ball into a bush before running inside. I follow suit and help my mum by setting the table.

Once we are all sat, my dad says a prayer and we all tuck in.

"I have to say, mum, I miss your cooking."

My mum laughs. "I told you that you would. How has meal prep been so far?"

"Complete fail. By Wednesday, I was over it. Cooking is hard."

"It just takes practice," my dad reassures me.

"I can teach you some easy recipes if you want?" my mum suggests.

"I will take you up on that offer."

Isaac begins telling a story about something that happened in school, and I can't quite keep up because of his rambling.

I help my mum clear the table and wash the dishes. She tells me about the book of the month at her book club.

"I'm glad you are enjoying it, mum."

"I am, but finishing all these books in one go is quite hard." She has a sheepish look on her face. "Sometimes I have to Google what happens, so I know what the girls talk about in the meetings."

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