Chapter Twenty-Three: Another Chance

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After coming home on that Thursday after therapy and lunch, Penny was in a pretty good mood. Seeing her friend gave her brain and rush of good-feeling chemicals, therefore, making her feel happy. 

An overwhelming feeling of confusion plagued her. She feels like a blank slate, like she doesn't have a real personality. This certainly caused a lot of anxiety throughout the day. 

Her and Quentin went there separate ways once inside the penthouse. Quentin decided to go to his indoor gym and Penny went to her room to write in her new journal. She just wrote down everything that happened and everything that she was feeling and everything that she was thinking. She was hoping that it would help and stop the anxiety she is feeling, and it did a little bit. However, creeping thoughts would enter in brain and ruin her train of thought. Throughout that day and the next she would just stop everything she would do and just think. During these moments, it was like she lost in touch with reality. When she came to, it was like she forget who she was and what she was doing. 

She tried everything to stop this and keep herself busy. Her depressive thoughts and behaviors seem to be on the good side. She even asked Ms. Birdie to teach her how to cook. At this point, she would do anything to let her thoughts take over her mind. 

It was Friday afternoon when Ms. Birdie decided to teach her first lesson. At this point, neither have really seen Quentin all day. They knew he was in the house, but it seemed like he was busy. 

Ms. Birdie taught Penny how to make her favorite food: Mac and Cheese. This made Penny feel good about herself, that she wasn't just a blank space with no personality. She has a favorite food. 

Halfway in the middle of making the cheese sauce, Penny heard a phone go off. At first, she didn't recognize the ringtone, but then was surprise to realize it was hers. She hurried to her phone, only answering it just in time. 

"Hello," she answers. She wasn't quite use to talking on the phone and didn't have a chance to look at the caller ID. 

"Hey, Penny, it's Danny," she recognized his voice right away. "Can I stop by? We need to check up and I have some news to share."

"Uh," she looks over at what she is cooking. The pasta is already done and the cheese sauce is almost ready. Realizing that it is about to go into the oven, she hesitantly says, "Sure."

"Okay, I'm leaving now! Bye, love you," then he hangs up. 

That conversation happened a little to quickly for her to process what is going on. She puts her phone back down on the table to get back to cooking. 

Together, her and Ms. Birdie puts the mac and cheese into the oven. Penny is very proud of herself. She never learned how to cook because the house had a live in maid. She knew that Ms. Birdie wasn't going to live with them forever, so it's nice to learn all of her favorite childhood recipes. It was also a prefect opportunity to keep herself busy. 

Just as the oven door closed, the doorbell rang. Penny wiped her hands nervously on her apron before flinging the piece of cloth off her body. She opened the door to the very handsome man that she calls brother-in-law. 

"Hey," Daniel smiles once seeing his friend. He walks into the house and gives her a big hug. He was taller than her, but being overwhelmed with another person's body brought a lot of comfort. 

I wish I had more people to cuddle with, she couldn't help but think. Sometimes everyone needs a good cuddle. 

They both release from the hug, and she leads him to the living room couches, "So what did you want to talk about."

"First of all," he takes a deep breath before starting his apologies. "I am so sorry for not keeping in contact. One of my clients went, like, professional. It has been a lot to handle since he was invited to talk shows and interviews. It was actual hell. I should have texted you at least to see how you are doing. I know you stopped going to auditions and I don't blame you. It is so hard to be rejected over and over again. You are not the only one to feel like this, that is why I called my sister. I may have not been able to be with you, but know that I still cared for you. I don't call a therapist on just any of my clients."

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