Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
|The first session in a new place|

Leanna Russel

"You're not going home!" Silas yells at me before he stands up and walks out the door and slams the door in anger. For a moment I just sit there, unsure of what had just happened. Then all of it comes to me and the tears form in my eyes, pricking the corners as they slowly start to fall and roll down my cheeks. I'm never going home. To my family but more importantly, to Adam. The man that I love and want to marry, I would do anything to marry him now.

I would do anything to be in his arms once again and kiss him and marry him. I may not have been away from him for that long but I do miss him more than I can ever imagine. And now that I'm never going home, I feel myself missing him now more than ever. Wanting nothing more than to be in his arms. Lying down on the bed with the covers over my body to keep myself warm I slowly and silently cry into the pillow until I fall into the darkness and sleep pulls me in to its depths.

My eyes flutter open by the sound of a door opening and I see Silas entering the room and closes the door behind him. I sit up on the bed to see that he's smirking at me. I feel the shivers run down my spine as I remember that he told me I would never be going home. I feel a lump form in my throat as I hold back the tears that I know are trying to roll down my cheeks. He sits down on the bed in front of me. "You're in luck" He says. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion at him.

Puzzled and confused I look at him. "What makes you say that?" I ask him suddenly. As I have no idea why I should be lucky since I've been told that I will never see the people I love again. "I've come to miss our sessions and I've prepared an office for you to practice your... whatever" He says to me. My mouth drops open when he says that, wondering if I heard him right or not. "Why would you miss our sessions? Most prisoners hate therapy" I tell him. There are prisoners who can't wait to get out of my sessions while there are some who enjoy them.

I suppose Silas is on the side of enjoying them for some reason which I've yet to find, then again he is a bit strange sometimes and I often have a hard time figuring him out but I will, someday at least. "You want the office or not?" He asks me, clearly not wanting to answer the question. When he said he wasn't defensive, he surly does act like it. I slowly nod my head. "Of course I want it" I speak after a while. Perhaps this is a mistake by continuing our sessions or perhaps it is not.

He grins at me. "Then our session will begin in five minutes, don't be late" He says and winks at me as he stands up and walks out of the room. I wonder how many times he's going to leave me confused like that as it is growing rather annoying. It takes me a couple of seconds to stand up and then walk to the door that he had entered and I slowly put my hand on the door handle, unsure if I should open it or not.

The war inside my mind then knows what I want to do and it comes to the conclusion that I should open the door and I do. Pushing the handle down I open the door and I'm met with an open door in front of me and I see Silas sitting in a chair, facing me with a smirk on his face. I wonder if his favorite thing is striking since he seems to be doing that awfully a lot. I let go of the handle and walk to the door but in the corners of my eyes I can see that I walk in a hallway.

I don't know what is on either side of it nor do I want to know as I continue to walk until I make it to the room that he is in and I close the door behind me. I notice that this place looks like an office, not my office but someone's. It has that kind of feeling inside it. It isn't large nor is it small, it's comfortable in size. I smile awkwardly at Silas as I sit in the chair opposite of him and beside the chair that I've sat in is a small table and there I see the folder.

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