Chapter Forty Seven

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I heard him before I got to his room. He sounded weak and agitated but I'd recognize his voice anywhere. He was yelling at someone.

"I'm not taking that shit, go give it to someone who wants it. I want to see her."

There was a mumble of voices, someone talking lower than him before I heard him again.

"Listen, I'll take that shit after. Not before- so you might want to go grab my fucking girl before I die in this bed."

I pulled the door to his room open, stumbling inside. "Kody." I mumbled staring at him.

His back was to me. It was bare peeking through the back of the light blue hospital nightgown that He had loosely tied around him. His hair was discheveled a darker shade of blonde because of the dirt. He was resting on his side, facing away from the door, so I couldn't see his face.

I took a deep breath, letting relief flood through me so strongly that it caused my vision to waver before I opened my mouth. "Kody."

He turned to me quickly, wincing a bit in pain. "Shit, Lewis. You look fucking scary."

I slowed my breathing, because I was going to cry and Kody really didn't ned me crying right now. "You're one to talk." I said lightly stopping at the side of his bed.

He chuckled. "Yeah. You gotta get me out of here Ezra. I told Nurse 'Stubborn Ass' I feel fine."

The nurse apparently took that as a request for her to leave. "Ten minutes" she mumbled to me as she headed out.

I nodded before turning my attention to Kody.

My fingers hovered above the bandage on his abdomen. "You got shot." I said incredously.

"Yeah. And I'm going to murder Beast. but sitting in here isn't going to help."

Kody was officially delusional guys. "Beast is in jail, Kody. He fucking shot you. Did you think he was going to be strolling down the sreet singing show tunes."

He frowned. "Yeah, well, jail's too good for him. He tried to kill my sister. He wanted to kill you. Are you okay with him being charged with attempted murder and getting out in five years."

I would have been, if I didn't think that Beast had an unhealthy obsession with Kody. I'd noticed it the first time I met him. I knew when he got out he'd be a problem.

"It doesn't matter. And I don't want to talk about Beast right now. You're not supposed to be stressing."

He bit his bottom lip nervously. "What do you want to talk about Ezra?"

I wanted to talk about a lot of things but it was one thing pressing the most. I wanted to lead up to it since it was important.

"Don't you want to know what color the water was?" I asked unconciously grabbing his hand.

His eyes widened. "How the fuck did I forget about that? Tell me Ezra. "

I smiled handing him the lollipop wrapped in foil I held. King had came up with the idea.

He chuckled fumbling with wrapper before pulling it off. "A girl?" He said breathlessly. "We're going to have a daughter?"

I laughed. "A daughter. Kody Vincent Jr. "

He smiled, pulling my hand so that I rested lightly on the bed. "That's not half bad." He sighed before turning to me, his expression serious. "What's wrong, Lewis?"

I pulled my hand from his, taking a deep breath. "You know Kody, you're getting a little too good at reading me."

He didn't smile. Instead he played with the tips of my fingers, not looking at me " Good enough that I know you're going to stall when you could just tell me what's on your mind and we can deal with it."

Since he was right, I looked at him. "Okay Kody, let's drop all of the pretenses."

He narrowed his eyes. "Let's. "

I took a deep breath. " I thought you were going to die."

Apparently that wasn't were he thought I was going to start because he looked confused.

I didn't waste time to ponder what he thought I was talking about. "You probably thought you were going to die as well because I'm not going to lie-It looked bad. So you said some things thinking you were going to die. And you were actually woozy so it probably doesn't count anyway but you did say them."

He opened his mouth but I held my hand up. If I didn't say it now, I'd probably pussy out forever. "So maybe you meant what you said or maybe it was in the moment but it doesn't change how I feel.  I thought you were going to die and I wasn't going to get a chance to say it back so this is me- saying it back."

Complete silence. Like, I kind of wanted Beast to step from behind the curtain and take me out because of how awkward the silence was.

"Do you not have anything to say?" I asked, angry now. I wanted to hit Kody in the face.

He raised a brow. "You know you didn't actually say it?"

I rolled my eyes, not noticing the pressure I was feeling melt away. "Are you serious right now-"

I pushed off of the bed, stopping when Kody didn't release my hand.

"Yeah, I'm serious. I'm gonna need the words Lewis. In clear english."

How did I even like this asshole. Still, what did I have to lose? "Fine, I love you Kody. Even though you're a controlling asshole who I'm trying real hard not to punch in the throat."

He smiled leaning his head back. "I really wish I wasn't in this much pain right now. "

I pulled my hand from his, worried now. "I'm going to call the nurse. "

He shook his head. "No, wait. " He closed his eyes taking a few deep breaths before slowly opening them back up. "The meds are going to make me loopy, and I want to be in my right mind when I tell you this, because you don't believe me when I'm woozy."

Oh shit, my fucking heart. 

"I love you Ezra. I don't know how you didn't know it."

I felt a tear slide down my face and I turned quickly wiping it away.

"I don't say what I don't mean, Ezra. You know that. "

I did know that.

"Now you can call the nurse, because if you keep looking at me like that I'm going to do something stupid like kiss you and I'm pretty sure if I move even a muscle I'm going to faint like a bitch."

I turned quickly pressing the call button.

After relaying the message, I walked over to his bed grabbing his hand. "I'm gonna go tell everyone how you're doing and then I'm gonna come back okay? I'm going to be here when you wake up."

He was taking deep breath, his forehead a bit dewy.

"You know you can kiss me Lewis. Since the nurse is already coming in."

I chuckled pushing his hair out of his face before leaning down and connecting my lips to his.

And he didn't faint.

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