Chapter 30

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Six months later

Sebastien's pov

'I hope you liked the stay.' Bella said to me. 'Of course I did. I'm fact I think your mom fed me so much I think I have put on a couple of pounds.' I said and she chuckled.

Bella and I had gone to her pack to visit them for a few days. They had invited us a long time ago but we were not able to because of work.

We got out of the car near the pack house where my beta and his mate had come to greet us. All I could think about was the work that must have liked up these past few days now.

We both showered and as it was afternoon both went straight to the pack office to start working.

The work was so much that everyone left but I stayed until midnight as I just wanted to complete it and not leave anything for the next day. Exhausted I went back to my room and changed my clothes.

When I came back I saw Bella standing in my room. 'I thought you were alseep.' I said going bear her and wrapping my arms around her.

'I thought that you might have skipped dinner, so I came to ask you if you wanted to have some.' she said.

'I actually ordered something to eat in my office, sorry I didn't tell you.' I replied. 'Besides that I am hungry, but for something else.' I went ahead and kissed her.

The makeout session went on and in no time we both were in my bed but then I stopped and kissed her cheek.

'You stopped?' she said. I snuggled closer to her and said,'Yes,because you were not ready.' I replied.

'But...' she started saying. 'I could sense your nervousness, it's okay. No matter how irresistible I find you, I know I can wait.' I said.

'Maany alpha mates don't even give it a second thought and here you are.' she said.
'Because I care about you and your feelings. I don't want you to be unhappy with me. Even for a second.' I said to her.

'I love you sebastien.' she said. 'I love you too.' I said and closed my eyes.

'The view in your room is beautiful.' she said looking at the big window which showed the entire pack and an excerpt view of the sky.

'Well, I constructed it like that. In my old house I used to always sleep near the window. When I grew up I came into this room and saw constructed that window. Besides that I am crazy about the colour blue. I love it. When I was young I would climb on the tallest tree and sit on its branch just looking at the sky for hours.' I said.

'My favourite was red.' she chuckled. 'Red?' I said to her. 'My mom, right from the beginning would go ahead and dress me up in red clothes all the time. I guess that is the reason why I always I always loved it.' she replied.

'Even on a stormy night the sky turns the darkest shade of blue. It never loses its colour, no matter what. Just like that, my love for you will always be constant. My love. AC long as the sky is blue. I will love you. I actually wrote it a long time ago but could never tell you.' I told her.

'Seb....' she said turning towards me. 'I am ready.'

My eyes widened and I got up. 'Bella, please don't say if......' I said and she cut me off with a kiss. I was stunned.

Then she proceeded to go towards my neck and dug her canines into it.

'Did you just mark me?!' I asked her.

'Do you think now I am ready?' she asked me with a smile and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Without saying anything I took her and pushed her down on the bed. 'I love you bella.' I said. 'I love you seb.' she whispered.

That night I went ahead and completed the mate bond with her. I had never been more happier.

(Three months later)
Third person's pov

Sebastien came into the room and saw candles lit up all around. 'Bella?' he said with a smile.

He turned around and saw down on one knee looking at him with a smile and a box in her hand with a ring in it. He smiled and got down on one knee too.

'Whst is this Bella?' he asked her. 'Will you marry me?' she asked him. 'Wasnt I the one who was supposed to ask this question?' he asked her. 'Well we have been a different couple since the beginning. Come on, will you marry me Sebastien?' she asked him.

'I will.' he said to her and she slipped the ring on his finger. She was about to kiss him when he said, 'Wait a minute!' and got up.

He rushed toward his cupboard and got something out. It was ring box and Bella started laughing after seeing it. He came back and got down on one knee again.

'It seems we both have the same thought process. Will you marry me bella?' he asked her chuckling.

'Yes.' she replied.

They both went ahead and kissed each other and leaned their foreheads against each other.

This was the happily ever after for them. But just the beginning.

There might be more rough roads and more troubles to face in the past but rest assured they would get through it because.......

They both believed in each other.

                      The end


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